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Sahil Salathia on taking horse riding lessons, while preparing for his role in Panipat

- Rishabh Suri ■

Method acting takes a lot out of an actor, since they invest themselves both mentally and physically into the role.

And for Sahil Salathia, who stars in Panipat as Bajirao and Mastani’s son Shamsher Bahadur, the epic drama naturally demanded much more from him.

For starters, he had to get a grip on how to ride a horse. We hear that he gave a year to the film, and he spent ample time prepping for horse riding before the film went on floors.

Recalling the entire experience Sahil says, “Every project I have undertaken has taught me something and I have learnt a lot through Panipat. The film has such a huge canvas and I play a Maratha warrior who is obviously supremely trained in warfare. So, it was a given that my character knows horse riding. Basically, I had to look natural enough for it to seem that I know how to ride a horse,” says the 31year-old, who has also been a part of Ashutosh’s show Everest.

He adds, “Ashutosh sir being the magician and the story-teller he is, looks into all details and makes sure that they are perfect. Hence, he asked me to train for weeks so that when I am Shamsher Bahadur in front of the camera, I look absolutely natural while riding a horse. It was quite an experience and definitely not as easy as it looks but thanks to profession­als helping me, I got it right before we started shooting last year.”

Every project I have undertaken has taught me something and I have learnt a lot through Panipat. In the film, I play a Maratha warrior who is supremely trained in warfare and obviously knows horse riding. SAHIL SALATHIA ACTOR

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