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B Praak’s song feat. Akshay Kumar has become the most liked Indian song on YouTube


When Akshay Kumar decided to come out with his debut music video, Filhall, at the peak of his acting career, it was deemed to be risky. But little did anyone know that it would break all records and become the most liked Indian song on YouTube worldwide with over 5.8 million views in just two months of its release.

Elated with the response, lyricist-composer, Jaani says, “The moment I had shared the song on Instagram, I said, ‘This is my best song so far’, and I feel it has come true. Akshay paaji is so happy with the response. All this is because of his presence and involvemen­t with the song and it was his idea to have a couplet in the end.”

A melodious romantic track, Filhall narrates the story of a couple that parts ways and later, meet each other in the most unfortunat­e situation. It’s a song about love and its beauty of never giving up. Sung by B Praak, the single also marked actor Kriti Sanon’s sister, Nupur Sanon’s screen debut, and was received well.

Mention this milestone to Nupur and she says, “I’m so overwhelme­d by the crazy response Filhall has got. I feel so lucky to have been able to be a part of something so big and to call it my first! It’s surprising to see the amount of love people all over the world have showered on us. And since it was with Akshay sir, I somehow knew it will win the audience’s heart but I’m blown away by the numbers. Every person in the team has put in their heart and soul and probably that’s why it touched the right chords. I think Filhall gave words to a lot of unsaid hidden feelings that normally everyone has in their hearts.”

When contacted, Akshay tells us, “I’m absolutely humbled to see Filhall’s unpreceden­ted success. It just goes to show how much trust people put in heart-tugging stories being told through the beautiful medium of music. My congratula­tions to (singer) B Praak and the team that made this possible.”

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