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Favouritis­m does exist in TV too, but not as much as in Bollywood: Vivian Dsena

- Shreya Mukherjee

While he agrees that biases exist in every field and television is no different, actor Vivian Dsena would rather focus on his craft than “waste time” on such discussion­s. “Favouritis­m exists to a certain extent in TV, but it’s not as much as I had seen and heard in Bollywood. People play nasty games to get their job done... I’ve faced such politics and have lost out on good TV projects. But I never paid much heed to such things. I would rather work on my craft and leave the rest to my audience and destiny,” Dsena says, adding that he doesn’t have any Bollywood dreams. “I’m content with TV... It has a bigger reach and audience than Bollywood. Why else would films be promoted on TV shows? People who consider TV a smaller medium than Bollywood need to get their facts checked,” he adds. The actor, however, is fascinated by the web and would love to explore the medium. Reacting to the debates raging around Bollywood, he says, “These nepotism, favouritis­m debates have taken an ugly shape. It’s time we start focusing on the positive aspects. Profession­al rivalry is a part of any industry. Sometimes we get our dues, sometimes we don’t, but to blame the whole industry is foolish.”

Dsena, who last worked on a TV show in 2019, is yet to take up a new project. “I’ve always taken long enough breaks between projects, because it takes a lot of unlearning after you’re done playing a character for a long time,” the actor says.

TV has a bigger reach than Bollywood. Why else would films be promoted on TV shows? VIVIAN DSENA, Actor


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