HT City

‘Happiness is a luxury in these testing times’

- Kavita Awaasthi

He has been in Goa for over a month to shoot for his daily TV show. But since the lockdown there, actor Dheeraj Dhoopar is in a limbo in a hotel with his wife, actor Vinny Arora, and his dog, Oreo. The production unit was planning to shift to Hyderabad but after a lockdown was announced there as well, the team is looking for a different location.

Dhoopar says, “Shifting is tough for the whole unit. They are looking for a place where they can be for the next few months. Currently, we have a good episode bank, so that’s taken care of. Once things are decided, we will shift. I’ve been in my hotel and have not stepped out. I’m in constant touch with the production team.”

The actor admits that he’s finding it tough to stay mentally strong. Some of his peers and friends also contracted the virus and that has also shaken him up. He shares, “I heard about (actor) Anirudh Dave’s condition and it was scary. I was not okay with going on set to shoot... I told them that I was scared and want to go back to Mumbai. But the production team ensured me that we’d maintain all protocols and strictly follow guidelines.”

Besides the pandemic and work being stalled, the news about natural calamities is adding to the stress. But the 36-year-old is grateful for the little joys. “I’m in a safe and beautiful place with my family, who are healthy. I feel, happiness is a luxury in these testing times... It is a difficult time for all and I wish this ends soon. Staying in touch with family is a stress buster. Last year, we didn’t shoot at all for months. This year, at least we are working. The industry is trying,” Dhoopar signs off.

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Dheeraj Dhoopar

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