HT City

Rani’s moving legal battle is a conflict between intent, execution

- Monika Rawal Kukreja


Cast: Rani Mukerji, Anirban Bhattachar­ya, Jim Sarbh, Neena Gupta, Balaji Gauri Direction: Ashima Chibber

Nothing comes close to maternal love and the pain of a mother whose kids have been taken away from her forcefully. That’s the ordeal Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway takes us through. Based on the true story of Sagarika Chakrabort­y and adapted from her autobiogra­phy The Journey of a Mother, the film is a heart-wrenching tale of a couple who were separated from their kids by the Norwegian Childcare System in 2011. Starring Rani Mukerji in the titular role as the helpless mother who stands tall against the system, this Ashima Chibber directoria­l is emotionall­y charged, albeit with an unbalanced premise and flawed execution.

The story starts with Debika Chatterjee (Mukerji) who moved to Norway 12 years ago with husband Anirudh Chatterjee (Anirban Bhattachar­ya). They have two kids — son Shubh and daughter Suchi. After four months of inspection, the Child Welfare Service (Velfred) take their kids away and put them with foster parents. The official list of charges against the parents include reasons such as cosleeping, hand-feeding to kids, applying kohl on the face to ward off evil eye and other cultural difference­s, which the authoritie­s find inapt. Debika tries everything she can think of — from fighting in the district court to even abducting her own kids from a government facility, but all in vain. During this fight, she even learns about the scam that authoritie­s are running in the name of child welfare and tries to expose the whole foster parents scheme. Does she succeed in getting her kids back, or does she end up losing more in this battle than she wins?

At 135 minutes, the film is tightly edited and doesn’t digress from the actual subject. The first half remains scattered and the film gets its grip right only after the interval. There are several tracks that we are introduced to during the course of Debika’s legal battle, but most don’t find closure, like divorce. It’s not just Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway, but also her versus her in-laws, husband, mothers of other kids in school, misogyny and deeprooted patriarchy

Mukerji showcases a myriad of emotions and leaves a lump in your throat. While in parts, she is in control of her actions, at some places, she goes overboard. As her husband, Bhattachar­ya delivers an earnest performanc­e and evokes the disliking that his character is meant to. He never overpowers Mukerji but manages to make his presence felt. The characters with limited screen time are the ones that stand out. Daniel Chiupek Singh (Jim Sarbh), a lawyer of Indian descent practising in Norway plays a crucial part and has some impactful lines. Back in India, Debika’s counsel, played by Balaji Gauri, is exceptiona­lly good and you feel bad that she was introduced so late in the storyline. Neena Gupta has the smallest ever cameo that is powerful and pivotal at the same time.

The story, co-written by Chibber, Sameer Satija and Rahul Handa, has its heart and intent at the right place but it’s the execution at many places that holds it back from striking the chord. Watch it for a brilliant performanc­e from Rani and keep a box of tissues handy.

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