India Today

ABlow for Nitish


Ever since Nitish Kumar parted ways with BJP, his worries about the survival of his government in Bihar have multiplied (“Nitish Loses His Halo”, November 11). He is increasing­ly forced to bank on the support of unpredicta­ble independen­ts and Congress. This has impinged upon his governance, which has resulted in an incredible decline in the popularity of a leader who was once hailed as the chief minister who brought Bihar back from the brink and put it on the developmen­t track. His performanc­e was often compared with that of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. KESHAV PATHAK, via email That Nitish Kumar is desperatel­y ambitious is clearly evident but it is surprising how this burning zeal has obscured his sense of judgment. How else would one explain his political hara-kiri in breaking up age-old ties with BJP. It is now clear that his problem was not BJP but rather the BJP- led NDA’S prime ministe-- Supreme Court’s decision to heavily fine the hospital and doctors involved in the medical negligence case that led to the death of Anuradha Saha in Kolkata in April 1998 comes as a dire warning for all hospitals and doctors across the country that medical negligence will not be tolerated. However, it is also important that the difference between medical error and negligence is clearly brought out so that doctors can treat patients without fear of being unfairly implicated. JACOB SAHAYAM, via email rial candidate, Modi. He probably never imagined that his threat to break ties over Modi’s proposed candidatur­e would be dismissed so summarily by BJP and that this move would boomerang on him. No wonder, Nitish is a confused and worried man these days. He has virtually put Bihar’s governance on the back burner. What a waste of capabiliti­es. ANJUM M. SAMEL, Mumbai Nitish Kumar’s singular contributi­on as chief minister was to put Bihar on the track to developmen­t after almost a decade’s misrule by Lalu Prasad Yadav. On that count, he was perhaps the best thing to have happened to the state. But his decision to snap ties with BJP earlier this year, because of his antipathy towards Narendra Modi, has cost him dear. Not only has he lost a valuable ally, but inept handling of various issues, such as the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, has meant that he has also lost the people’s support which had helped him become the state’s chief minister for consecutiv­e terms. AMBAR MALLICK, Kolkata

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