India Today

“I spend hours doing up my house”

- As told to Asmita Bakshi


love anything that is antique or vintage. In terms of decorating my place, I found most of my stuff in antique markets like Jogeshwari. I am also a huge fan of refurbishi­ng old pieces. I usually buy them, bring them home and then in my time I sit and work on them. I find it therapeuti­c.

Instead of sleeping after a hectic shoot, I spend hours just doing up my house; I find it very relaxing. I bought a chair from Jogeshwari market and a foot stool to go with it. I sanded it down, painted it and got a lime green for the cushion.

I love how you can find unique pieces in Jogeshwari market and your home doesn’t look like it is out of a catalogue. I found a little bedside table there or just Rs 1,000! I personalis­ed it by painting it in gold and white colours.

I like to collect vintage things. I did a show called Style in the City that took us all over India and I picked up pieces along the way — beautiful door handles from Pushkar, hand painted cushions from Kishangarh Art Gallery in Jaipur and antique boxes from Lucknow. I am not a huge fan of contempora­ry design. I like it more if it is mixed with vintage things. Just like in fashion, I like to mix vintage with modern.

Usually in Mumbai, the cleaner you keep the walls, the more spacious your house looks. The minute you paint the walls a dark colour, the room appears smaller. I’ve kept my walls plain, but I go crazy in my kitchen. I painted my kitchen walls and cabinets turquoise to give it a more funky feel. I am also not much of a hoarder and that keeps things sensible in terms of space. For me, furniture is best if kept at a minimum. I really like black and white framed pictures though—candid pictures of my sisters, friends from Australia and my parents. I also have a lot of vintage posters of Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe.

The author is a singer, anchor and model.

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