India Today



Wake up with positive thoughts— This is simply a way to start your day by reminding yourself that you are healthy, happy and safe and so is your baby. Positive thoughts are great for both your baby as well as to keep you focused on them all day

You can ‘ have it all’ but you are

not a super- preggo- mom— I’ve had clients who worked in high- stress jobs during their pregnancie­s, went out with friends most nights and worked out every morning and had perfectly normal pregnancie­s. If you are one of those super energetic women, its okay to continue to do all you want to; but just remember to pace it out.

Beat the guilt— If you have decided to work during your pregnancy, enjoy it. Shut out the opinions and judgements from others. Remember, they are NOT you and they don’t know your body the way you do. Go with what is good for you and don’t feel guilty about your decision.

Rest at work— There is nothing wrong in making your work space as comfy as possible. Place a footstool under your desk, support your back with more cushions and feel free to sit cross- legged whenever you like. Nobody ever said your efficiency goes down if you sit in a less corporate position. I worked on my laptop sitting on a birth ball and even cross legged on my desk chair.

Don’t hide it— If you are good at your job and you know it, stop worrying about hiding your pregnancy from the boss and your colleagues. Be honest and let go off some of that unnecessar­y stress. If you are very concerned, at least confide in a colleague or two who can help support you till you make the announceme­nt.

Heal yourself— At least once a week do ‘ let go’. Indulge in some yoga, a massage, reflexolog­y or some kind of energy healing. because it is true that in order to reduce our stress levels, we need to constantly clean out our chakras and release our toxins.

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