India Today




Where did our ancestors come from? This can be a highly emotional—and political—issue. It is clearly an important question for many people and one that modern genetics has answered to a great extent. In recent months, a scientific paper published in the journal BMC Evolutiona­ry Biology has sparked a heated controvers­y in the Indian media by outlining an ‘Indo-European expansion, with an ultimate source in the Pontic-Caspian region’ into the Indian subcontine­nt.

Behind the gently arcane scholarly language, the paper argues that the genetic ancestry of all modern Indians displays evidence of significan­t mixing with population­s that moved to the subcontine­nt from northern Iran and the Caspian region some 4,000-5,000 years ago. Tempers are fraying because these findings have reignited a long-simmering and highly politicise­d debate about the ancient origins of the Vedic ‘Aryans’. For decades, historians, linguists and archaeolog­ists have debated the relationsh­ip of the Aryans to India, with little resolution—indeed the argument has been subsumed by its implicatio­ns for the contempora­ry battles between the hyper-nationalis­t politics associated with the Sangh parivar and the secular liberal opposition. Many Hindu nationalis­ts are uncomforta­ble with the idea that the ancient roots of the Indian peoples may lie outside the sacred geography of the subcontine­nt. Meanwhile, there is often an element of liberal schadenfre­ude in embracing the narrative that suggests a parallel between the Vedic Aryans as conquering ‘invaders’, not unlike the later visitation­s of Islamic and European empires.

Over the last few years, genetics has begun to offer its own findings, which much more definitive­ly indicate that a people—who may have been Aryans—moved into the subcontine­nt approximat­ely 4,000-5,000 years ago. Soon, the field of ancient DNA research may close the case. The BMC paper that has drawn so much interest and ire is just the latest in a line of research that goes back decades, and grows more precise and insightful with every new technologi­cal advance. By looking at patterns of genetic markers in modern humans, geneticist­s have been able to sketch the family tree of our species. Researcher­s are also testing genetic material from remains tens of thousands of years old. It has already highlighte­d the Neandertha­l heritage extant today in all humans outside of Africa.

Because genetic science has been driven by US-based researcher­s, biases have crept into the sort of questions asked. But the democratis­ation of the field, due to a surfeit of data, is now enabling exploratio­n of more diverse topics, including questions related to the Indian subcontine­nt.

Eurocentri­c ideologies have spawned their own counter-theses. While, in 1903, the Indian nationalis­t Bal Gangadhar Tilak could write The Arctic Home in the Vedas, in keeping with the migrationi­st beliefs of the era, today, Indophilic westerners such as Koenraad Elst are promoting an ‘Out of India’ theory, an inversion of the older route.

These arguments exist outside of politics and nationalis­m. The author Sanjeev Sanyal contends that “the idea of a unidirecti­onal ‘Aryan’ invasion or migration around 1500 BC is now conclusive­ly proven to be wrong”. As outlined in his book, The Ocean of Churn, Sanyal emphasises the reciprocal movements of peoples. He notes that archaeolog­y does not tie any Indus Valley civilisati­on site to Central Asia, and the Vedas themselves seem ignorant of geography outside of South Asia.

Ten years ago, one could reasonably support Sanyal’s suppositio­ns from a genetic perspectiv­e. The exploratio­n of mitochondr­ial lineages, the direct maternal ancestry out of Africa, remained the dominant method of inference. That line of evidence strongly suggests that South Asian population­s are deeply rooted in the subcontine­nt.

Other researcher­s were looking at the descent of males, the direct paternal lineage as recorded by mutations of the Y chromosome. The evidence from these results was more equivocal. One of the

more common South Asian Y lineages, R1a1a, is also very common in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The discoverer of this lineage, the geneticist Spencer Wells, says that his work “in the late 1990s strongly supported a significan­t migration from the steppes of Eastern Europe and Central Asia into India in the past 5,000 years”. Wells connected this to Indo-European speaking nomads, and believes the latest results have borne that out. Obviously, this is in conflict with the mitochondr­ial results. Because R1a1a is not very diverse, it was difficult to get a sense of where or when it may have originated. Many researcher­s, contra Wells, contended that R1a1a may have been indigenous to South Asia.

Today, we know more about R1a1a than we did in the 2000s. Whereas then researcher­s looked at a few hundred markers on the Y chromosome, or perhaps some regions with very high diversity, today they can sequence most of the Y chromosome.

In line with Wells’ original suspicion, after looking at whole genomes, many scholars now surmise that R1a1a entered South Asia within the last 4,000-5,000 years from the Eurasian steppe. The reason R1a1a is not diverse is that it underwent a massive, recent expansion; not much time has elapsed for mutations to accumulate. With whole genome analysis, one can see that East European R1a1a is one lineage, while Central Asian and South Asian R1a1a strains form another. Martin Richards, co-author of the paper in BMC, explains, “This high resolution allows for both very detailed genealogic­al informatio­n and quite precise genetic dating—so we can see where and when lineages branch off into a new territory.”

Ancient DNA has also shed light on the relationsh­ip of the various branches of R1a1a. Extinct Central Asian steppe pastoralis­ts, the Scythians, and their geographic kin, the Srubna people, who dwelt north of the Caspian Sea 3,750 years ago,


also carry this Y lineage. It is notable that the R1a1a lineages of Scythians and Srubna are the same as Central Asians and South Asians, not Europeans.

A resolution to the paradox of mtDNA and Y chromosoma­l lineages pointing in different directions has now presented itself. The answer: migration into India was not sex balanced. This is a major point in the BMC paper. Richards states, “There’s a very marked sex bias in the arrival of new peoples from, ultimately, the steppe zone of eastern Europe, in the Bronze Age.” (This is the case in Europe too, with steppe migrants overwhelmi­ngly male.)

Our understand­ing today does not rest on Y chromosome and mtDNA alone. With whole genomes available for analysis, scientists have reshaped our understand­ing of the past of South Asia. In 2013, geneticist Priya Moorjani and colleagues published research concluding that at least two very distinct population­s were mixing in the Indian subcontine­nt 2,000-4,000 years ago. Moorjani says that “4,000 years ago, there were unmixed ANI and ASI groups in the Indian subcontine­nt”.

ANI and ASI are acronyms for Ancestral North Indians and Ancestral South Indians. The former population was geneticall­y very similar to Near Easterners and Europeans. One of the original researcher­s who developed this model of Indian origins, Nick Patterson, characteri­ses the genetic distance between ANI and European population­s as so small that if you did not know of the provenance you might say it was a European population. The ASI, in contrast, do not have any close relatives. Rather, they were distant relatives of indigenous Andaman islanders. Moorjani reiterates that though there were unmixed population­s representa­tive of these groups in the relatively recent past, today all native South Asian groups display ancestry from both.

In Moorjani’s 2013 paper, she estimated that Dalits from Tamil Nadu are 40 per cent ANI (the remainder presumably being ASI). Pathans are 70 per cent ANI. Kashmiri Pandits are 65 per cent ANI, while Brahmins and Kshatriyas from Uttar Pradesh are 55-60 per cent ANI. When it comes to the mix of ANI and ASI, there are two rules of thumb one needs to consider. The further northwest you go, the more ANI you will get. Upper castes have more ANI ancestry as well (Bengalis and Munda tribes have East Asian heritage that is neither ANI nor ASI). This is exactly the pattern you would expect from Y chromosoma­l lineages such as R1a1a, which many geneticist­s posit have arrived from Central Asia in the last 4,000-5,000 years.

Indian observers of historical population genetics have noted these findings and integrated them into their own understand­ing. Sanyal says he believes “Indians are the mix of several genetic streams, particular­ly the ANI and ASI who have been living in the Indian subcontine­nt from the Stone Age”. Moorjani states that her “study did not specifical­ly look into the direction of migration”. But, she also admits that “the direction of migration leading to ANI is probably into India”.

Why would Moorjani state this? First, let us take a step back and address two points of the Out of India framework. As Sanyal observed, the archaeolog­ical connection­s between South Asia and Central Asia are tenuous. The Aryans do not seem to recollect a time before India. But the past 10 years of discoverie­s of ancient DNA have shown us there were mass migrations where archaeolo-


gists suspected none. The physical record is incomplete, and it may be difficult to connect with the broader patterns of history. But part of it is that some population­s, such as nomads, likely do not leave much of an archaeolog­ical footprint. As for the argument based on Indian religious and oral history, it must be observed that the Greeks also do not have any memory before Greece, and yet they are just as antique an Indo-European people. The argument about cultural memory alone cannot be trusted to adjudicate on this matter.

Which brings us to what could ultimately resolve uncertaint­ies: ancient DNA. The testing of samples from the Near East and Europe over the period between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago has shown that a few pulses of migration mixed together to create the predominan­t genetic patterns we see around us today. We do have a reasonable sampling of ancient individual­s from the Near East, Central Asia and Europe, and what we see are massive population changes over the past 10,000 years. Should we expect India to be any different?

For the purposes of an understand­ing of the South Asian genetic landscape, two ancient population­s from Western Eurasia share strong affinities with people from the subcontine­nt. First, the earliest farmers of Western Iran, in the Zagros, whose heritage is now found all across Eurasia, evince high affinities with many Indian population­s. Second, Copper Age pastoralis­ts of the Yamna culture of the Pontic steppe, who flourished 4,000 to 5,500 years ago, also exhibit a strong affinity to South Asians, in particular population­s from the northwest and upper caste groups such as Brahmins.

Researcher­s in David Reich’s lab at Harvard have tested what possible groups could be combined to create the ANI element in South Asians. After exhaustive comparison­s, they find ANI is best modelled as a combinatio­n of the Pontic pastoralis­ts and early Neolithic Iranian farmers!

In The Ocean of Churn, the thesis is presented that ideas and people move in a bidirectio­nal fashion. Indian religious and philosophi­cal ideas did impact the West through Pythagoras and Plato. Conversely, many Indian alphabets quite likely have their origins in the Near East, while Christiani­ty and Islam have both taken root in the subcontine­nt.

So too with genes. South Asian genetic markers are found in Southeast Asia, from Thailand to Bali. Conversely, Bengalis, Assamese and Munda peoples show their Southeast

Asian heritage on their faces, their genes, and in the case of the Munda, their languages. But this idea of ubiquitous gene flow has limitation­s.

The distinctiv­e genetic heritage of India, the ASI component, deeply rooted in the subcontine­nt and not closely related to population­s elsewhere, exists in low proportion­s in Iran and Afghanista­n. But with the exception of the Roma people, ASI ancestry is notably absent throughout Western Eurasia aside from India’s near neighbours. This suggests there has been very little westward movement out of India over the past few thousand years because, as Moorjani observed, all Indian population­s have ASI ancestry within the past 4,000 years.

Many geneticist­s now believe a major migration of people from Central Eurasia and West Asia into South Asia during the Neolithic and Copper age is the simplest and most parsimonio­us model to explain the data we have. The Out of India model is not theoretica­lly impossible, but it strikes many as far-fetched and a stretch to explain the pattern of the accumulate­d data.

To move beyond probabilit­ies, we need to make recourse to what has rescued us in the past: ancient DNA. Unfortunat­ely, there is currently no ancient DNA data from South Asia proper. Even now, researcher­s are trying to get genetic results from samples at Rakhigarhi in Haryana dating to the Harappan period. Suppositio­n can quickly be replaced with certitude when we sample these individual­s. india today learns that results of the Rakhigarhi samples will be announced in early September this year. Dr Vasant Shinde, an archaeolog­ist at Deccan College, Pune, which conducted this project in collaborat­ion with geneticist­s from Seoul National University, is understand­ably reluctant to offer any pointers as to what the Rakhigarhi samples suggest. “It’s very politicall­y sensitive,” he says. But given the fact that the graves from which DNA was extracted were dated to somewhere between “2300 and 2500 BC”—the same period in which Martin Richards and his colleagues suggest a pulse of migration from the Pontic-Caspian region into India—it must remain a possibilit­y that Rakhigarhi will yield R1a1a DNA and not settle the debate.

And yet this is just one site. There are hundreds of samples for Europe and the Near East, and from those hundreds we have gleaned startling results. At some point, there will be hundreds of samples from South Asia, and there is no doubt we will glean some fascinatin­g results.

The tide in historical population genetics has turned towards migration, but some still hold to the model of continuity dominant in the 2000s. Gyaneshwer Chaubey has been publishing and researchin­g human genetics for over 10 years, with a substantia­l contributi­on in the area of Indian population history. He is not persuaded by the hypothesis of a mass Aryan migration. Rather, he observes that published research has shown that “the genetic imprint of this migration (if we want to maintain any) is minimal”.

Without ancient DNA, we can only perceive broad coarse outlines from the variation of living human beings; fragments of the past, rearranged and reconstruc­ted using statistica­l frameworks and data from people alive today. Our conjecture­s have assumption­s. Chaubey does not deny the data showing Neolithic Iranian farmers and Copper Age Pontic pastoralis­ts having genetic similariti­es to modern Indians. He argues for an equal probabilit­y that groups that “lived in India in the Bronze Age or in Neolithic time having quite similar ancestry as the Steppe belt population­s or Neolithic Iranians…” By reframing assumption­s, he also disagrees with the revision in regard to the history of R1a1a. He admits that R1a1a was the primary reason he took himself off the BMC paper. Though unconvinci­ng to many, Chaubey’s rationale does have a basis in theory and data. The disagreeme­nt is on the matter of probabilit­ies. This is not uncommon in statistica­l genetics. Ancient DNA should resolve many of these disputes rather soon, but this issue is overly politicise­d.

We do know some things. Geneticist­s have confirmed divergence­s of caste and region in the genomes of Indians. A great deal of mixing seems to have occurred over the past 4,000 years. Before that period, much of the subcontine­nt was inhabited by people geneticall­y very different from those alive today. By coincidenc­e—or perhaps not—the extremely common R1a1a paternal lineage, which binds many Indian men to Europeans and Central Asians, begins to expand rapidly just as the last major mixing event in South Asia between ANI


and ASI lineages occurred.

Prominent population genetics laboratori­es that have reshaped our understand­ing of the history of Europe and the Near East through ancient DNA studies are now looking to India. It won’t be long before new tools are brought to bear on old contentiou­s questions. One can no longer say that the thesis that Indo-Aryans arrived in the subcontine­nt in large numbers is refuted. Connection­s to ancient groups outside of the subcontine­nt seem highly likely, and many prominent geneticist­s are now promoting a viewpoint predicated on migration and population turnover, which seems to have been the norm in Europe and the Near East.

Yet there remain credible scientists at prominent institutio­ns who are sceptical of the new models. While a new consensus may be emerging, it has not crystallis­ed. Genetics can speak in broad strokes with errors of the order of a thousand years here or there, and each new discovery refines details of the broader picture. We are in a time of significan­t transition and great intellectu­al ferment. That ferment extends to politics. Just as the original Aryan invasion model was promoted on a political basis, so are Out of India theories given political validity. But the reality is that these models of human history are either true—or they are not. Whether or not they were discernibl­e, the facts have always been with us. It is our political interpreta­tion of them that seems to change. Humans are protean, but nature is timeless.

We see through a glass darkly. In a few years, it may be crystal clear that a new people arrived in the Indian subcontine­nt 4,000 years ago. That now seems to be the belief among the majority of prominent researcher­s. A century of theorising and ideologisi­ng has armed us with answers and objections, but history as unveiled by genetics may hold some bracing surprises for our rigid grandiose pretension­s. That may be the most exciting aspect of these lines of research, not how they align with century-old arguments.

Razib Khan is a geneticist with an interest in population histories and personal genomics. He works at Insitome and is a Ph.D candidate at UC Davis. He writes the blog ‘Gene Expression’

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The 4,500-year-old skeletons discovered in Rakhigarhi, Haryana
MANOJ DHAKA/AFP BURIED EVIDENCE The 4,500-year-old skeletons discovered in Rakhigarhi, Haryana

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