India Today

Food For the Skin

Kavita Khosa lists do’s and don’t’s based on her own sKincare rituals


5 skincare and wellness rituals I follow

I’m addicted to masque-ing. I masque at least three times a week with my Mitti Clay Face Masque and Turmeric Exfoliatin­g Face Sand to remove debris and dullness.

I cleanse with my own homemade micellar water to gently deep cleanse skin at the start and end of my day.

I’m in love with precious pure plant oils that are rich in essential fatty acids, bio actives and antioxidan­ts. My Illumine Elixir Face oil is hand blended with oils from Himalayan wild harvested seabucktho­rn and rosehip seeds. Massaging skin with a pure high quality oil can eliminate fine lines and tone facial muscles.

Abhyanga or a body massage is vital to boost circulatio­n, soothe the nervous system and rejuvenate skin. Our skin eats every time we put something on it so always remember to treat it with epicurean high quality skinfoods free of toxic chemicals.

Compassion and empathy soften the face and settle into its contours, lending a beauty and grace that cannot be store bought.

5 things I wouldn’t do

Put anything on my skin without reading the label and knowing where it has come from.

Use make up or cosmetics with parabens, petrochemi­cals and toxic chemicals. I’ve switched to natural organic ethical brands that i trust.

Experiment too much with too many products, especially all at one time. Give your skin some room to breathe, to absorb and understand what is being applied on it. Keep your skincare rituals and your products simple. Never ever sleep with make up on.

Never use lasers and peels, I speak from experience. They can burn skin and make it sensitive to the sun and environmen­tal damage over time. Be kind to your skin. It is sensitive, receptive, sensual and intimate.

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