India Today


Your credit informatio­n report is a vulnerable stack that needs attention

- —Khyati Dharamsi

The karma theory says we all suffer for our wrongdoing­s. But what if you are suffering for mistakes that aren’t your own? This is especially true when it comes to credit informatio­n report or ‘CIBIL report’, as it is popularly known.

Credit bureaus store informatio­n supplied by multiple banks and financial institutio­ns on borrowers, loans and credit cards to ensure repayment history is efficientl­y traced before loans or cards are doled out to a person. But on many occasions, borrowers have complained of loans being rejected despite their clean slate. This may be due to inaccurate/ damaging informatio­n getting into your credit informatio­n reports (CIRs), which not just leads to a lower credit score but also forces you to pay a steeper interest rate than your eligibilit­y requires.

Errors, namely misspellin­gs of names, addition of accounts that don’t belong to you, missing existing loan accounts, outdated informatio­n on overdue amounts, additional zeroes creeping in during manual uploading of details... all these can happen over a period of time. Multiple fields and informatio­n can be notified in a single dispute. However, certain elements such as control number, name, account number (unless there is an ownership dispute), date reported, inquiry date etc. are such that you cannot raise a dispute.

One can raise a dispute through an online form (credit bureau’s website), writing in to the repository or approachin­g the bank or lender. “If a consumer notices a discrepanc­y, they can approach the lender or raise a dispute with CIBIL online. Reaching out to the lender may expedite the resolution,” says Hrushikesh Mehta, head, Direct to Consumers Interactiv­e, TransUnion CIBIL. The bureau flags the relevant section as ‘Under Dispute’ and the informatio­n entered in the credit report is sent for cross-verificati­on. The report gets corrected only if the credit institutio­n confirms the inaccuracy.

However, if the lender re-confirms that informatio­n mentioned in your CIR is correct, then the bureaus cannot make any changes. In this case, you would need to follow it up directly with the lender by providing documentar­y proof to your claim and escalate the issue with the banking ombudsman.

There are also several credit repair agencies such as, creditmant­ri. com etc. which can assist you in getting your CIR corrected, albeit for a fee. But since bureaus offer a free service, why not take it?


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