India Today


- ADML (RETD) ARUN PRAKASH The author is a retired chief of naval staff

Shangri-la is the iconic Himalayan monastery in James Hilton’s 1933 novel Lost Horizon, where the survivors of a plane-crash imbibe lessons in pacifism from the presiding Lama. The Shangri-La Dialogue (SLD) has a less exotic provenance (it is named after its permanent venue, a Singapore hotel) but its aims are no less lofty. Conceived by the Internatio­nal Institute for Strategic Studies as a ‘Track 1.5’ meeting ground for senior defence leadership of the region, the dialogue now receives official backing of the Singapore government and the tacit support of the US.

Since its inception in 2001, no Indian prime minister has ventured to address the SLD, and the ministers, occasional­ly deputed to do so, have disappoint­ed the discerning audiences with anodyne orations. A great deal of curiosity has persisted across the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) about India’s position on various issues of critical regional interest. Prime

Minister Narendra Modi made up for all that with his crisp, focused and illuminati­ng keynote address that clearly spelt out India’s key policies, positions and initiative­s vis-a-vis the volatile hemisphere that encompasse­s China, India and the ASEAN as well as the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

A hundred years ago, Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan had described the Indian and Pacific Oceans as future ‘hinges of the world’s geopolitic­al destiny’, because control of this region could enable a nation to influence political developmen­ts in Eurasia. For this reason perhaps post-World War II, a new entity—the Asia-Pacific—was created to facilitate the entry of the US into Asia and to strike economic and military linkages with it. For over six decades, peace, stability and prosperity in the AsiaPacifi­c were underwritt­en by the naval forces of the Hawaiibase­d US Pacific Command.

This pax Americana was shattered by the rise of an assertive China and neither the US pivot to Asia nor the subsequent rebalance has served to restore regional equilibriu­m. The Asia-Pacific concept seemed to have outlived its utility and a substitute was sought to encompass new developmen­ts in Asia’s emerging geopolitic­al landscape. Among these were the concurrent rise of China and India, their competitio­n for energy, markets, influence and maritime access, the overlappin­g interests of states located on either side of Malacca Straits, and the emergence of non-traditiona­l maritime threats that recognise no maritime borders. Above all, it seemed that American security interests demanded that the region, extending from the US west coast to the African east coast, be viewed as a single contiguous theatre—the ‘Indo-Pacific’.

Against this background, Modi’s peroration conveyed India’s position on critical issues in a forthright language. Highlighti­ng India’s civilisati­onal and historical connection­s with the Southeast Asian Suvarnabhu­mi (of Indian folklore), he underscore­d the critical importance of the oceans to India and declared India’s commitment to a rule-based order that relied “on the consent of all, not on the power of the few”, and spoke about the “equality for nations” as part of India’s commitment to the liberal internatio­nal order. In affirmatio­n of India’s commitment to its ‘strategic autonomy’, he referred to his recent ‘informal summits’ with the Chinese and Russian heads of state while upholding India’s global partnershi­p with the US. In a thinly veiled reference to China’s aberrant conduct, Modi spoke disapprovi­ngly about “assertion of power over recourse to internatio­nal norms” and upheld “freedom of navigation, and unimpeded commerce”. In an oblique but telling reference to the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative), he mentioned that connectivi­ty initiative­s, “... must empower nations, not place them under impossible debt burden”.

In contrast with Modi’s circumspec­tion, US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis in his speech the following day made direct references to China, conveying stinging rebukes. Beijing’s recent attempts at coercing Taiwan, and blatant militarisa­tion of the augmented South China Sea reefs also invited retaliator­y US measures. While China was peremptori­ly ‘disinvited’ from the biennial ‘RIMPAC 2018’ naval exercise, Mattis announced the re-naming of the US Pacific Command as the ‘Indo-Pacific Command’. By way of explanatio­n, he said, “We need to recognise the growing significan­ce of the Indian Ocean...and of India itself...I wanted to ensure that the title reflects the reality.”

These words will, no doubt, be music to Indian ears. But no matter how earnestly Modi wishes away “great power rivalries”, India has to find a modus vivendi with China. National interests remain supreme in internatio­nal relations. So, ‘Greeks bearing gifts’ must be treated with caution.

No matter how earnestly Modi wishes away “great power rivalries”, India has to find a modus vivendi with China

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