India Today




At IIT Bombay (IITB), you can literally do anything you feel like. It doesn’t matter if you are a noob in the field, all you need is enthu (IITB lingo for “enthusiasm”) and dedication. We have a very good support system and staff, and with right effort and commitment, you can go places irrespecti­ve of having no prior experience in that field. One of the greatest luxuries of being in IIT Bombay is that it gives you a lot of exposure. Exposure, not restricted to your department alone, but to different department­s and fields as well.

There are a lot of opportunit­ies for growth such as internship­s, training opportunit­ies and placements. For an IIT Bombay student, a day begins at 10 am and ends at around 4 am. We don’t have any fixed timetable, so the day is dynamic in nature. On a weekday, no other activities and events take place between 9 am and 5 pm and that’s when everyone is busy with their academic schedule. Students who are part of any tech team spend around two to three hours in the night every day to work on projects. We have a five-day week. On an average, a student has around 20 to 35 hours of academic work per week. The tech teams from IITB are some of the best in the world. These include the AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle), IIT Bombay Racing, Innovation Cell and Pratham (Student Satellite Project). Students can get into a tech team through a rigorous selection procedure. Some of the popular tech clubs include Web n Coding Club (WnCC), Electronic­s and Robotics Club (ERC), Aeromodell­ing Club and Biotech Club. Each club has a set of mentors to guide students and you have hands-on sessions on how to build a bot, quadcopter and many more.

IITB has a wealth of cultural activities on offer as well. There are several cult clubs such as the design club, speaking arts, dramatics, dance, music, photograph­y and fine arts clubs Also every club has its own events and competitio­ns. Abhyuday, a social body of IITB, provides opportunit­ies to students to work towards a better society. Joining IIT Bombay is going to plunge you into a pool of smart people. If you are used to being the topper of your class, you may find it difficult to get used to being somewhere in the muddle of the pile. But trust me, your peers, a few of them extraordin­ary, will help and influence you and it’s good to have a competitiv­e atmosphere around you as you can always learn something new. One of the many things that make IITB stand out from other engineerin­g colleges across India is the scale and grandeur of its fests. ‘Mood Indigo’ is the largest college cultural festival in Asia. I worked as an organiser for the fest and was responsibl­e for handling a few artists and it was a wonderful learning experience.

 ??  ?? SATVIK AMBATI Second-year student, B Tech - Computer Science and Engineerin­g, IIT Bombay
SATVIK AMBATI Second-year student, B Tech - Computer Science and Engineerin­g, IIT Bombay

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