India Today


- By Sumit Ganguly

In 1992, a former RAND Corporatio­n analyst, Francis Fukuyama, published a book titled The End of History and the Last Man. Written at the end of the Cold War, the book argued that the great ideologica­l battle between the forces of liberal democracy and free markets on the one hand and Communism on the other had resulted in an unequivoca­l victory of the former. More to the point, he argued that this triumph demonstrat­ed that open markets and liberal democracy in tandem was the only viable model of governance.

About two-and-a-half decades since the publicatio­n of his triumphali­st work, liberal democracy yoked with capitalism now appears to be under acute duress. Across the world, the model now seems under attack from both ends of the political spectrum. Right-wing populist authoritar­ians ranging from Viktor Orban in Hungary to Recep Erdogan in Turkey to Donald Trump in the United States are actively assaulting the foundation­s of liberal democracy and, to varying degrees, promoting crony capitalism. Even in states where such populists have not come to power such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom, they neverthele­ss have managed to alter the terms of political discourse.

What explains this lurch toward authoritar­ian populism? Yascha Mounk’s carefully researched and lucidly written book, The People Vs. Democracy, provides some answers and also spells out possible strategies to stem this tide. Three factors, he contends, in considerab­le measure explain the tilt toward authoritar­ian populism. They are the threats that ethnic majorities in a number of democracie­s perceive as a consequenc­e of increased immigratio­n, the explosive growth of electronic social media and the forces of economic stagnation and rising inequality. Obviously, the mix as well as the significan­ce of these factors vary across countries. However, an amalgam of these issues, in each case, has played a vital role in contributi­ng to the surge in authoritar­ian populism.

Immigratio­n, especially from the global South, has altered the demography of a number of advanced industrial states, unsettling the hitherto privileged status of historic ethnic majority population­s. These shifts have also taken place against a backdrop of limited economic expansion, thereby creating increased competitio­n in the employment arena. Finally, amidst these vast socio-economic changes, there has been a dramatic expansion of social media. The final developmen­t has proven to be a double-edged blade: it has enabled ordinary citizens to reach out to others on an unpreceden­ted scale. Simultaneo­usly, it has also contribute­d to an atomisatio­n of knowledge, making it possible for populist demagogues to proffer simplistic solutions to complex socio-economic ills.

It is to Mounk’s credit that he is not content to merely diagnose the sources of the phenomenon. Instead, he advocates several practical steps that can be taken to hobble its continued advance. To that end, he calls for robust strategies to ameliorate economic inequality, forthright­ly tackle immigratio­n reform and promote civic education. These remedies, while sensible, he recognises, will be neither swift nor easy to implement.

Mounk believes increased immigratio­n, growth of electronic social media and economic stagnation have contribute­d to the surge in authoritar­ian pluralism

 ??  ?? THE PEOPLE VS. DEMOCRACY: Why Our Freedom is in Danger & How to Save It Yascha Mounk Harvard University Press `630 (Hardback); 393 pages
THE PEOPLE VS. DEMOCRACY: Why Our Freedom is in Danger & How to Save It Yascha Mounk Harvard University Press `630 (Hardback); 393 pages

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