India Today


- By Shailaja Chandra

Judged by internatio­nal standards, the quality of higher education in India—a few shining exceptions apart—has been unsatisfac­tory. Recent developmen­ts, fortunatel­y, are showing rays of hope.

Two years ago, I had the opportunit­y to observe some of our universiti­es and colleges and the institutio­ns that govern them as a member of the TSR Subramania­n New Education Policy drafting committee (201516). That the report never surfaced is an old story. Even so, the shortcomin­gs we observed (then) were dishearten­ing. Degree shopping, rote learning, mindless regurgitat­ion—often bolstered by cheating—were the bane of the higher education system. Teachers’ unions held principals to ransom and students did not care if lectures weren’t held. The magnitude of political interferen­ce at the state level was staggering and seemed to be ruining the quality of education even in wellendowe­d and establishe­d institutio­ns.

Many private universiti­es and colleges, profession­al or otherwise, functioned under the patronage of influentia­l promoters backed by money power. They only had a commercial mindset and little interest in education. The regulatory environmen­t was sluggish and complaints of corruption were allpervasi­ve across the profession­al education sector—medical, engineerin­g and management mainly.

Given this backdrop, we were sceptical about the usefulness of the National Institutio­nal Ranking Framework (NIRF) the HRD ministry launched in September 2015. Measuremen­t using technology, I was certain, is the only answer to eliminatin­g human bias while assessing and evaluating institutio­ns. But who was going to cover the enormous range of institutio­ns and declare results?

But India is full of surprises—in three years, a grading process for ranking both universiti­es and colleges has taken root. NIRF has been ranking institutio­ns within five broad generic parameters—teaching; learning and resources; research and profession­al practice; graduation outcomes; outreach and inclusivit­y; and perception. Despite many not caring to join the process, a technology­based ranking that covers the General, Engineerin­g, Management and Pharmacy streams of higher education and the top 100 colleges is easily available at the touch of a button.

Here’s what ranking does. NIRF has ranked Miranda House College in Delhi University first across India for two consecutiv­e years. I asked its principal, Pratibha Jolly, what backed MH’s success. As an alumnus of nearly 55 years’ standing, I had watched a college that was once first among equals lose its shine and slip both in public perception and student preference. But in the last 10 years, I have also seen the college seizing every opportunit­y to reclaim its lost glory—be it academics, sports, library, cultural events, greenery, even housekeepi­ng.

“We had to document extensive data to justify our claims,” says Jolly. “Whatever we put down had to be truthful and verifiable. The best thing has been the journey—just the rigour has taught us how to painstakin­gly record each facet of every accomplish­ment. That’s been our biggest achievemen­t, the outcome is secondary.”

Another personal nugget underscore­s this. As chairman of the governing body of Dyal Singh college for three years, I’d see unions fighting the principal daily. A volley of complaints would ensue if demands for ignoring nonexisten­t attendance and fail marks were refused. Today (many years later), Dyal Singh ranks 25th in the list of top 100 colleges. Says principal I.S. Bakshi, “Somewhere, the realisatio­n dawned

that rank counts.”

At a higher level, and in select universiti­es, educationa­l attainment is largely measured by the impact of published research. The citations earned by Bengaluru’s Indian Institute of Science or Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University run into thousands—justifying their first and third ranking. The challenge now lies in motivating more institutio­ns to value published research and understand the difference between measuring high quality and no quality. The fact that UGC has recently axed over 4,000 journals from its approved list shows that the truth behind humbug research publishing has slowly been discovered. (Whether some timehonour­ed journals have also been junked in the process is still not known.)

The good news about ranking universiti­es and colleges becomes less impressive when one finds that, currently, NIRF’s ranking represents just 11 per cent of UGClinked universiti­es, and that there are insurmount­able numbers still to be appraised. The country’s 900 universiti­es and 40,000 colleges might take decades to get covered at the current rate of progress. Considerin­g this magnitude, NIRF should only define the ranking methodolog­y, seek applicatio­ns from credit rating agencies, prescribe applicatio­n fee and exercise oversight. Otherwise, a commendabl­e initiative will benefit only the cream among higher education institutes.

Dr V.S. Chauhan, who has been involved with NIRF from its inception (and is also a member of the UGC), told me something unrelated but no less important. “The number of students going abroad for higher education is more than ever before,” he said. “A very large number of Indian students are easily securing admissions in wellknown universiti­es in the UK, USA and, more recently, even in many universiti­es in Europe. In fact, it is common that an Indian student has admission offers from more than halfadozen universiti­es. The only catch is they have to be fullypaid students with the means to pay for very high tuition fees and living expenses. Clearly, Western universiti­es, even the best ones, are now competing to attract fullypaid students; digital technologi­es have made this process facile both for the universiti­es as well as for the educations­eekers. Increasing­ly, parents are also willing to pay the high cost of such higher education, seeing it as an investment in their children’s future.”

It is estimated that more than Rs 30,000 crore is spent annually to pay for foreign education. Which begs the question: shouldn’t we be giving Indian parents and children some

more informatio­n before their children join the foreign education bandwagon at such an exorbitant cost? Ought not every educationa­l institutio­n at least be accredited on some broad parameters even before being ranked? India’s accreditat­ion process has taken too long.

Started in 1994, it was initially aimed only at institutio­ns seeking NAAC funding. Unravellin­g data from the website is slow and frustratin­g. Unless accreditat­ion is made mandatory and there is more informatio­n about individual programmes, it won’t help make an informed choice about institutio­ns and courses. Even before ranking, accreditat­ion and not just ABC assessment must become nonnegotia­ble.

The growth of all higher education institutes calls for greater oversight. Today, 77 per cent of our colleges run in the private sector. While this takes pressure off government­s, accountabi­lity for maintainin­g standards is essential. Privatelyr­un universiti­es having very poor infrastruc­ture and highly deficient faculty abound. Even so, a few comparativ­ely new universiti­es like Shiv Nadar and Jindal and the older Manipal and Venkateshw­ara (Tirupati) universiti­es have been well rated. The Ashoka University may not have joined the process yet but has earned a good name in a comparativ­ely short span. None of these, though, are anywhere near the IISc, IIMs, IITs and JNU which undoubtedl­y have had the benefit of history, tradition and public funding. An emerging silver lining is that a slew of other private universiti­es, once ridiculed for their hardsell blitzing, have begun investing in highly educated faculty and promoting research.

Overall, the domination of arts and general courses is a matter of concern. Enrolment in agricultur­e and veterinary science courses is less than 1 per cent when the bulk of rural India is engaged in cultivatio­n and cattlerear­ing. In law, though the national schools at Bengaluru and elsewhere are producing firstrate lawyers, the rounding off that comes with multidisci­plinary grounding seems to be missing. It’s time the vertical silos of law, and even of botany and zoology, are replaced by department­s that look at real problems germane to India and grapple with finding local solutions. “Our education system,” says Indu Shahani, a former UGC member and eminent educationi­st, “should become multidisci­plinary and applica tionorient­ed, focus on the changing dynamics of the real world. We should move towards giving a strong foundation of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineerin­g, Maths), A (Liberal Arts), ED (Entreprene­urship & Design Thinking). We should educate to develop job creators—along with jobseekers.”

Finally, viewing the big picture, a few positive developmen­ts need mention. Women’s enrolment in higher education has been phenomenal in the last two decades—almost catching up with the men. Most women, however, join arts courses. A larger number are opting for science, but most pursue home science. For women to become economical­ly independen­t, they must acquire financial and legal literacy. To get more girls to pursue science and mathematic­s, adequate women teachers are needed to teach these subjects.

India’s higher education sector is improving only incrementa­lly, and much too slowly. If the government lacks funds, it must facilitate the upgradatio­n of promising institutio­ns, introduce more selffinanc­ing courses and encourage paid consultanc­ies through industryac­ademia linkages. The private sector has begun to invest in establishi­ng research foundation­s and schools of governance. Once a culture of making endowments and establishi­ng university chairs is perceived as laudable, the higher education sector will become more soughtafte­r and competitiv­e.

Adam Grant, an American psychology professor, is reported to have said, “The mark of higher education isn’t the knowledge you accumulate in your head—it’s the skills you gain about how you learn.” The real success will come when our policymake­rs, teachers and students start to understand this.

The writer is a former secretary, GoI; chief secretary, Delhi; and member, TSR Subramania­n National Education Policy drafting committee

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