India Today


In a land that’s defined by spirituali­ty through the ages, we must find the balance between devotion and logic. Follow, but not blindly.

- Madhuri Banerjee Author

Iwas always taught not to question our elders. They knew best. And I had to follow. So, when religion and godmen were introduced into my life at 18, I knew not to question, but to stay in awe and follow the commands. That was 25 years ago. Not much has changed today. We follow godmen blindly because we are taught to believe that whatever they’re saying and doing is best for us. But are they truly? Today, we are all looking for spirituali­ty. Something that gives meaning to this existence that is beyond failure, disease, unhappines­s or even money, for those who have it. We have faith, but what can we do with it? Who will guide us? And suddenly, the demand for godmen is created. And unlike with most other demands in the country, the supply has been great. From Rajneesh to Asaram, from Radhe Ma to Premananda. They came, they spoke, and they conquered the hearts of millions. The blind faith that we were brought up on, now had a person attached to it.

A godman or woman needs three things to succeed—a philosophy that makes sense to people, a miracle to prove that it’s possible to dream and a group of people who will work for them— blindly. The first thing we are taught is to surrender. Surrenderi­ng saves you from misery. It also stops too much questionin­g. But submission to your God, and a godman is a must. Renunciati­on is next. Of wealth and your body. Along with surrenderi­ng your mind, you need to surrender the body. The body is also controlled by the mind and you must free it. The Netflix documentar­y series

Wild Wild West about Osho revealed how he had legions of followers who would work mercilessl­y for him, surrender for him and even kill for him, as their bhagwan collected a fleet of Rolls Royces. Recently, godmen have been accused or convicted of rape—from Asaram to Premananda, Amrita Chaitanya to Paramhansa Nithyanand­a. They call themselves swami, sant, bapu. A self-imposed title to create a holy identity that we will never question. We leave our daughters in their care and women surrender themselves to them in search of something. Why aren’t we allowed to question? To defy theories, to find our own logic. Why do we stand up for them when the law in this land convicts them? Take the good aspects of their teachings and use them? Understand where fear is being created? Question actions, thought and discourse? You don’t need to surrender to survive.

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