India Today



October 26, 1947 The Maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh, signs the Instrument of Accession (IoA) with India

October 17, 1949 India adopts Article 306 in its draft Constituti­on, giving J&K special status. This is incorporat­ed as Article 370 of the Constituti­on on January 26, 1950

August 1953/ February 1954 Sheikh Abdullah, chief minister of J&K, is dismissed from his position and is later arrested. A new regime under Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad ratifies the IoA

November 17, 1956

J&K adopts a constituti­on defining it as a part of India

February 26, 1975

With support from the Congress, Sheikh Abdullah becomes chief minister and remains so till his death in 1982. Later, his son Farooq assumes office

March 1987

Massive rigging of assembly polls facilitate­s Farooq Abdullah’s rise to power, but also triggers an armed insurgency led by the J&K Liberation Front, backed by Pakistanba­sed terrorists


The withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanista­n results in a massive influx of militants into Kashmir, with Pakistan providing weapons and training. The bloodshed triggers a mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandits

January 1990 Jagmohan made governor of J&K, Farooq Abdullah resigns, and Governor’s rule is imposed. In September, India imposes AFSPA to maintain order

May 26, 2008 J&K government agrees to transfer 100 acres of land to the Amarnath Shrine Board, leading to violent protests in the Valley. Counterpro­tests break out in Jammu after this is revoked

2010 Unrest in the Valley after news breaks that three ‘terrorists killed in a foiled infiltrati­on bid’ in endApril/ early May were actually civilians murdered by armed forces personnel

March 2015

The PDP and BJP form an alliance. Mufti Mohammad Sayeed becomes chief minister on March 1, ending Governor’s rule, which had been imposed in December 2014 after the assembly polls delivered a hung verdict

January 7, 2016

CM Mufti Mohammad Sayeed dies. His daughter Mehbooba takes over after three months of indecision. On July 8, Hizbul commander Burhan Wani is gunned down in an encounter. Violent protests erupt across the Valley, curfew is imposed

June 19, 2018

The BJP withdraws support to the PDP. Mehbooba resigns as CM, Governor’s rule imposed

November 17, 2018 Panchayat polls begin, concluding on December 11. The Centre hails them as a success, even though the voter turnout was less than 50 per cent

August 4, 2019 Several of J&K’s top leaders, including Mehbooba Mufti, Omar Abdullah and Sajjad Lone sign a joint resolution—the Gupkar Declaratio­n—saying that any attempt to modify or abrogate Articles 370/ 35A would be considered an act of aggression against the people of J&K

August 5, 2019

Modi government abrogates Article 370 and bifurcates the state into UTs. By August 9, hundreds are put under preventive detention, including the Gupkar Declaratio­n leaders

November 28, 2020

District Developmen­t Council elections held. Gupkar member parties, which formed an electoral alliance on November 8, win 110 seats, and the BJP, 75

June 24, 2021 PM Modi meets several J&K top leaders, including Farooq Abdullah, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti, to chalk out a plan for the future of J&K

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