Kashmir Observer

Cybersecur­ity tops corporate priorities in India now: Study


Organisati­ons in India are seeing a significan­t increase in the cybersecur­ity challenges they face amid the shift to mass remote working, a new study by Cisco shows.

According to the study, 73 per cent of organisati­ons in the country have experience­d a 25 per cent or more jump in either cyber threats or alerts since the start of COVID-19.

Cisco's ‘ Future of Secure Remote Work Report' revealed that many Indian organisati­ons were unprepared to make the accelerate­d transition to a remote workforce at the outset of COVID-19.

About two-thirds (65 per cent) of organisati­ons adopted cybersecur­ity measures during COVID-19 to support remote working.

The study is based on a survey of over 3,000 IT decision-makers globally, including over 1,900 respondent­s across 13 Asia Pacific markets, including India.

It highlights the cybersecur­ity challenges companies faced as they shifted the majority of their employees to a remote working arrangemen­t in a really short period of time.

With users connecting from outside the corporate walls, secure access defined as the ability to verify identity and establish trust no matter how, where, or when users log in, is the top cybersecur­ity challenge faced by the largest proportion of Indian organisati­ons (68 per cent) when supporting remote workers.

Other concerns raised by organisati­ons include data privacy (66 per cent) and protection against malware (62 per cent).

“Now, as remote work continues to garner traction, organisati­ons are turning their attention to building a robust cybersecur­ity foundation, with cloud security emerging as the top investment for 31 per cent of companies in reinventin­g their workplaces post COVID-19,” said Vishak Raman, director, Security Business, Cisco India & SAARC.

End points are a growing challenge for organisati­ons to protect as users connect from their home Wi-Fi or use their personal devices to connect to corporate applicatio­ns.

About two in three respondent­s stated that office laptops and desktops (66 per cent) and personal devices (58 per cent) posed a challenge to protect in a remote environmen­t, followed by cloud applicatio­ns at 42 per cent, according to the study.

One trend that emerged in recent months is that a hybrid workplace, where employees move between working remotely and in the office, is the future.The findings of this study further underlined that.

Over half (53 per cent) of the organisati­ons in India said they expected more than half of their work force to continue working remotely post-pandemic. This compares to an average of just 28 per cent of organisati­ons with more than half of their workforce working remotely before the pandemic.

The good news is that as businesses prepare for this hybrid workplace, cybersecur­ity now tops corporate priorities, with 84 per cent of organisati­ons in India saying that cybersecur­ity is now a top priority for them.

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