Kashmir Observer

MMU Condemns Govt Action


Srinagar: Muttahida Majlis-eUlema (MMU) Jammu & Kashmir Friday expressed strong resentment over the continued house arrest of MMU and APHC Chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq for the last 20 months, saying the undue restrictio­ns on the peaceful activities of the Valley’s topmost religious leader and preventing him from performing his duties as the Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir was unacceptab­le.

In a statement MMU condemned the “autocratic approach” of the authoritie­s for not allowing Mirwaiz to address the faithful at the historic Jamia Masjid despite announcing on Thursday that he is no more under house arrest.

“Imams and Khateebs across the Valley said in their sermons that not allowing the Mirwaiz to visit Jamia Masjid and deploying additional number of police personnel outside his residence and blocking roads leading to his house by placing armoured vehicles, barricades and concertina wires, was sheer interferen­ce in the religious affairs and unacceptab­le.”

The MMU said the people from across the Valley had come to Jamia Masjid Srinagar to listen to the sermon of Mirwaiz.

“However, they were severely disappoint­ed as well as angered with the news that the Mirwaiz was not allowed by the authoritie­s to even move outside his residence, which resulted in a massive peaceful protest wherein people carried banners slamming the administra­tion,” statement said.

It said such repressive measures by the authoritie­s was not only unacceptab­le but deeply hurt the sentiments of the masses.

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