Kashmir Observer

Who Is Winning The Trade War?

- for it? One potential explanatio­n is that some bystander countries saw the trade war as an opportunit­y to increase their presence in world markets. By investing in additional trade capacity or mobilizing existing idle capacity, they could increase their e

NEW HAVEN – The United States-China trade war started in 2018 and has never officially ended. So, which side has been “winning” it? Recent research offers an unambiguou­s answer: neither. US tariffs on Chinese goods led to higher import prices in the US in the affected product categories, and China’s retaliator­y tariffs on US goods ended up hurting Chinese importers. Bilateral trade between the two countries has tanked. And because the US and China are the world’s two largest economies, many regard this developmen­t as a harbinger of the end of globalizat­ion.

Yet the “deglobaliz­ation” argument ignores the many “bystander” countries that were not directly targeted by the US or China. In a new paper investigat­ing the effects of the trade war on these countries, my co-authors and I come to an unexpected conclusion: Many, but not all, of these bystander countries have benefited from the trade war in the form of higher exports.

To be sure, one would expect exports from third countries (Mexico, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc.) to take the place of Chinese exports to the US. But what is surprising is that these countries increased their exports not only to the US but also to the rest of the world. In fact, global trade in the products affected by the trade war seems to have increased by 3% relative to global trade in the products not targeted by tariffs. That means the trade war did not just lead to reallocati­on of thirdcount­ry exports to the US (or China); it also resulted in net trade creation.

Given that trade wars are not generally associated with this outcome, what accounts declined, because economies of scale allowed them to offer more at lower prices. Consistent with these explanatio­ns, our paper finds that the countries with the largest increases in global exports are those in which export prices are declining.

While the net effect of the trade war on the world economy was an increase in trade, there was enormous variation across countries. Some countries increased their exports significan­tly; some increased their exports to the US at the expense of their exports elsewhere (they reallocate­d trade); and some countries simply lost exports by selling less to the US and to the rest of the world. What accounts for these difference­s, and what could countries have done to ensure larger gains from the trade war? Again, the answers are somewhat surprising. One might have guessed that the most important factor explaining countries’ differing experience­s would be pre-trade-war What mattered instead were two key country characteri­stics: participat­ion in “deep” trade agreements (defined as regimes covering not only tariffs but also other measures of behind-the-border protection); and accumulate­d foreign direct investment. Countries that had a high pre-existing degree of internatio­nal trade integratio­n benefited the most. Trade agreements tend to reduce the fixed costs of expanding in foreign markets, and existing arrangemen­ts may have partly offset the uncertaint­y generated by the trade war. Similarly, higher FDI is a reliable proxy for greater social, political, and economic ties to foreign markets.

Supply-chain effects also may have played an important role. In a prescient policy briefing based on private conversati­ons with executives at large multinatio­nals, analysts at the Peterson Institute for Internatio­nal Economics predicted in 2016 that US tariffs would “set off a daisy chain of production shifts.”

If a company decided to shift production of a product targeted by Chinese tariffs to a third country, this would necessitat­e a reshufflin­g of other activities in the third country, affecting multiple other countries in turn. The exact pattern of these responses would have been hard to predict, given the complexity of modern supply chains. But a country’s degree of internatio­nal integratio­n appears to have been a decisive factor in a firm’s relocation decisions. Returning to our initial question, then, the big winner of the trade war seems to be “bystander” countries with deep internatio­nal ties. From the US perspectiv­e, the trade war did not lead to the advertised reshoring of economic activity, at least in the short to medium term. Instead, Chinese imports to the US were simply replaced by imports from other countries.

From the perspectiv­e of “bystander” countries, the trade war, ironically, demonstrat­ed the importance of trade integratio­n, especially deep trade agreements and FDI. Fortunatel­y, the Sino-American trade war does not spell the end of globalizat­ion. Rather, it may mark the beginning of a new world trading system that no longer has the US or China at its center.

Views expressed in the article are the author’s own and do not necessaril­y represent the editorial stance of Kashmir Observer

FORTUNATEL­Y, THE SINO-AMERICAN trade war does not spell the end of globalizat­ion. Rather, it may mark the beginning of a new world trading system that no longer has the US or China at its center

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