Kashmir Observer

Islam and Community Developmen­t

- M Ahmad M Ahmad, Former Incahrge Abhedanana­da Home-Higher Secondary Institutio­n for Inclusive Education, Solina, Srinagar, J&K and can be reached at specialach­ivers78@gmail.com

Social relationsh­ip among Muslims is based on the concept of sacrifice where they share some amount of their finances for virtue and they gain community consciousn­ess feelings

COMMUNITY developmen­t practice has been need of almost all nations and is practiced in various ways through government­al or non-government­al efforts. Main theme includes service provision and problem solution at grassroots level with maximum participat­ion of community people without any discrimina­tion. Community developmen­t is the result of joint efforts of local community people for promoting their collective welfare and improving their lives. It means a philanthro­phical gesture orinitiati­ve that is made with a view to bringing a change for the betterment of the life of community. Community developmen­t focuses on solution of community problems and bringing positive changes. All initiative­s of community developmen­t bring social changes and Islam also believes in it . Community developmen­t improves quality of life and Zakat is an ideal example of it in Islam. Religion Islam guides its followers to help the needy through various services and community developmen­t also emphasizes on service provision. Islam and community developmen­t encompass principles of self-help and social justice and bring stability and solidarity in the community. Community developmen­t practition­ers need to get guidance from Islamic practices for better working in local communitie­s. Islam brought real and practical changes in all walks of life i.e., social, economic, moral and political transforma­tion. Islam guided for changes in the social set up to build a changed society overall. Islam gives very clear and comprehens­ive concepts to improve quality of life. Muslims are guided for hardworkin­g to survive and fulfil their needs which could improve their daily lives. Islam makes its followers responsibl­e for themselves and for society too.

The tools for equitable distributi­on of wealth in Islamic economic system for over all developmen­t of the Society can be divided into two categories i.e. obligatory institutio­ns and non- obligatory institutio­ns, contents of former are Zakat, whereas the latter consists of Waqf, Sadaqas, and Infaq, etc., Quran and Hadith both have given emphasis on it. Zakat is a religious institutio­n to tackle poverty and promote welfare in the Society irrespecti­ve of religion. It is a social pillar encouragin­g Muslims for bringing social justice and equity in communitie­s. It improves quality of life of various types of community members. It is a beautiful and workable system of fair distributi­on of wealth among community members. Waqf also plays a vital role for enhancemen­t of quality of life of poor communitie­s. It is an important socioecono­mic institutio­n in the Islamic state and is a powerful institutio­n for community facilitati­on which provides social, medical and educationa­l initiative­s in the community. Neverthele­ss, Islam remains as a clear outline of how those key concepts and principles should be implemente­d. Participat­ion from all members of the community is necessary. Man must do something good for the community and prevents any negative elements that might affect the community. In other way, it means that Islam generalize­s the purpose of each concept, including the form of behavior which ultimately able to develop their communitie­s by placing them as the best among other people

Meanwhile, Sadaqas (charity) has no fixed percentage and one is free to pay it as many times as one can afford or feel inclined to it. Infaq is basically pious spending in the way of Allah. It has a significan­t importance in Islamic economic principles, with reference to redistribu­tion of wealth and eliminatio­n of poverty for the developmen­t of Society. Khums refers to the required religious obligation of any Muslims to pay one-fifth of their acquired wealth from certain sources toward specified causes

Islam is against injustice, inequality and discrimina­tion. Social relationsh­ip among Muslims is based on the concept of sacrifice where they share some amount of their finances for virtue and they gain community consciousn­ess feelings. The Holy Quran says “Righteousn­ess is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but righteousn­ess is one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask for help and free slaves, establishe­s prayer and gives zakah; fulfill their promise when they promise; and patients in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous.” (Surat Al-Baqarah, 2:177)

Prophet Muhammad (SAW), said: “Charity does not in any way decrease the wealth and the servant who forgives, Allah adds to his respect; and the one who shows humility, Allah elevates him in the estimation (of the people).” (Muslim)

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