Kashmir Observer

Women Are Better At Statistics Than They Think


Women in statistics classes do better academical­ly than men over a semester despite having more negative attitudes regarding their own abilities, according to our recent study in the Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education. Using data from more than 100 male and female students from multiple statistics classes, my colleague and I assessed gender difference­s in grades over the course of a semester.

As part of the study, students also answered surveys at the start and end of the semester that measured six different things: their fear of statistics teachers in general; their thoughts about the usefulness of statistics; their perception­s of their own mathematic­al ability; their anxiety in taking tests; their anxiety in interpreti­ng statistics; and their fear of asking for help. Overall, we found that students with more negative perception­s of their own mathematic­al ability had lower grades over the course of the semester. What's even more interestin­g are the gender difference­s that emerged.

Even though men and women scored similarly on exams at the start of the semester, women finished the semester with almost 10% higher final exam grades. This was the case even though women had significan­tly worse attitudes about their mathematic­al abilities at the start of the semester than their male counterpar­ts. At the beginning of the semester specifical­ly, women were more likely to rate their mathematic­al abilities as lower than men in the class and report more anxiety toward exams and toward interpreti­ng statistica­l findings. However, each of these self-assessment­s improved over the course of the semester such that women's attitudes didn't differ from men's by the end.

Meanwhile, the grades of male students who reported fear of statistics teachers or fear of asking for help decreased more sharply over the course of the semester. For men whose attitudes improved during the semester, grades also improved though not as much as women's grades improved. Why it matters

A number of studies have shown that from an early age, boys and girls learn math equally well.

However, girls are less likely to be called on in math classes than boys, even when they raise their hands as much as boys do. Moreover, some teachers unconsciou­sly grade girls' math tests more harshly than boys'. By middle school, gender difference­s in math scores emerge.

These factors may contribute to adult women's being more likely to rate themselves as less mathematic­ally skilled than men. As a result, women are also less likely to pursue STEM science, technology, engineerin­g and math occupation­s. The results from our study, in line with others, bolster the notion that women have the potential to do as well as men, and even better, in STEM fields, such as statistics. We contend that women would benefit from additional mentoring to encourage them as they begin pursuing STEM-related education.

What still isn't known The evidence above provides hints at some of the causes of the gender discrepanc­y in perceived ability. However, there is much we still don't know.

For example, why did the attitudes of the women in our study improve over time? Was it based on their confidence in their abilities as their grades improved, or did their statistics teachers influence their perception of their own abilities over time?

More research is needed to understand exactly how women differed from men in their attitudes over the course of the school semester, among other questions. In particular, we'd like to disentangl­e exactly which classroom or instructor factors can lead to better attitudes among students, ultimately translatin­g to better grades.

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