Medgate Today



What Is New?

• Half of intubated patients with coronaviru­s disease 2019 (COVID-19) manifest myocardial injury, but mortality risk associated with myocardial injury is attenuated after adjustment for degree of critical illness.

• Myocardial injury is less common in COVID-19 compared with convention­al acute respirator­y distress syndrome after adjusting for confounder­s of age, renal dysfunctio­n, and degree of critical illness.

What Are the Clinical Implicatio­ns?

• Myocardial injury in COVID-19 is reflective of baseline risk and comorbidit­ies and underlying multisyste­m organ dysfunctio­n.

• Most myocardial injury in COVID-19 is related to critical illness, but given isolated reports of frank myocarditi­s and other severe direct cardiac manifestat­ions, it is important to identify these rare and distinct manifestat­ions.

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