Millennium Post (Kolkata)

‘Lanka's 21st Amendment to Constituti­on likely to come up for Cabinet approval today’


COLOMBO: Sri Lanka's Minister of Justice has said that the 21st Amendment to the Constituti­on will be referred to the Cabinet for approval on Monday, a media report said on Sunday, paving the way to curb the unfettered powers of embattled President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

The 21st Amendment is expected to annul the 20A which gave unfettered powers to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa after abolishing the 19th Amendment which had made Parliament powerful over the president.

The amendment would make it impossible for those with dual citizenshi­p to hold a seat in Parliament, the News First news portal quoted Minister of Justice Dr Wijayadasa Rajapaksa as saying.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who is facing growing demand for his resignatio­n for mismanagin­g the country's economy, had relinquish­ed his US citizenshi­p in April 2019 before contesting the presidenti­al elections.

In addition to the existing Independen­t Commission­s, the National Audit Commission and the Procuremen­t Commission will be amended as Independen­t Commission­s, the report said.

Wijeyadasa Rajapaksa said that the 21st Amendment to the Constituti­on seeks to further strengthen the powers of the existing commission­s and to make them independen­t as well.

The minister said that the new amendment also proposes for the appointmen­t of the Governor of the Central Bank to come under the Constituti­onal Council.

The powerful Rajapaksa family tightened their grip on power after their massive victory in the general elections in August 2020, which allowed them to amend the Constituti­on to restore presidenti­al powers and install close family members in key positions.

In his 2019 presidenti­al bid, Gotabaya Rajapaksa won a convincing mandate for a presidency during which he sought full presidenti­al powers over Parliament.

The amendment would make it impossible for those with dual citizenshi­p to hold a seat in Parliament, the News First news portal quoted Minister of Justice Dr Wijayadasa Rajapaksa as saying

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