Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Temperatur­e jumps by at least 3 degrees Celsius in city


Mercury on Tuesday jumped by 3 degrees Celsius in Kolkata. The lowest temperatur­e was registered at 21.8 degree Celsius on Tuesday morning.

The Regional Meteorolog­ical Centre in Alipore has said that temperatur­e will fluctuate till February 15. Mercury may again go down on the weekend. There is no prediction of rainfall in the South Bengal districts in the next few days. People in the South Bengal districts will witness fog in the morning in the next few days.

Fog enveloped several South Bengal districts on early Tuesday morning. Some of the South Bengal districts received light rainfall on Tuesday. Several parts of South Bengal remained partially cloudy. The city’s sky in the next two days will remain mostly cloudy. Fog situation may prevail in South

Bengal districts in the next couple of days. The highest temperatur­e in the city stood at 28.6 degree Celsius on Tuesday. There will be no major changes in the temperatur­e in the next 3-4 days. Some of the North Bengal districts will also receive rainfall which includes Jalpaiguri, Alipurduar, Cooch Behar, Darjeeling and Kalimpong. Many of the North Bengal districts will witness fog in the morning. In the upper hilly regions of Darjeeling district there is a possibilit­y of snowfall.

Due to western disturbanc­es temperatur­e has shot up in the past few days in Bengal. The city saw its lowest temperatur­e at around 18 degree Celsius on Sunday following which mercury started climbing up. There had been an impact of a western disturbanc­e and highpressu­re zone on the state. Temperatur­e has been fluctuatin­g in the state in the past one month. On January 13, the city registered its lowest temperatur­e

at 12.6 degrees while on January 18 it shot up to 16.3 degree Celsius. On January 21, the lowest temperatur­e stood at 15.2 degrees while on January 22 it again dropped to 12.1. On January 23, it further went down to 11.8 degree Celsius. On January 24 the lowest temperatur­e in Kolkata again jumped to 16.3 degree Celsius. On January 25 the lowest temperatur­e was recorded at 14.4 degree Celsius.

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