Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Speaker turns down adjournmen­t motion over CAG report


KOLKATA: Speaker of West Bengal Legislativ­e Assembly Biman Banerjee turned down the adjournmen­t motion brought by BJP legislator­s seeking a discussion on recent CAG findings.

Six BJP legislator­s led by the Leader of Opposition, Suvendu Adhikari, submitted the adjournmen­t motion seeking discussion on the state government’s alleged non-submission of utilisatio­n certificat­es worth over Rs 2 crore for funds released under various centrally-sponsored schemes soon after the question answer session was over.

The Speaker refused to accept the motion and turned down the plea for discussion citing assembly rules that do not allow such discussion.

BJP legislator­s started protesting and trooped into the Well of the House shouting slogans brandishin­g posters.

“We will not suspend legislator­s here in similar fashion as in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha where 146 MPs were suspended for pandemoniu­m,” Banerjee said before adjourning the house after the first session. “If the Speaker had gone by the convention then

he would have allowed us to read the adjournmen­t motion but instead of doing that, he rejected it. This proves that the government is scared of the CAG report,” Adhikari said in a press conference.

Reacting to Adhikari’s allegation, state Parliament­ary Affairs minister Sobhandeb Chattopadh­yay said: “The CAG report also says that Centre is responsibl­e for misappropr­iating funds worth Rs 7.5 lakh crore. They are telling lies about the state government. Let them speak about the centre first and then they will criticise the state government”.

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