Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Rajya Sabha passes Bill to amend Water Act to decriminal­ise minor offences


DELHI: The Rajya Sabha on Tuesday passed a Bill which seeks to decriminal­ise minor offences related to water pollution, enable the Centre to prescribe service conditions of chairperso­ns of State Pollution Control Boards, and exempt certain categories of industrial plants from statutory restrictio­ns.

Piloting the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Amendment Bill 2024 in the Upper House of Parliament, Union Environmen­t minister Bhupender Yadav said that developmen­t and environmen­t protection must go together.

There should be harmony in ease of living and ease of doing business, he added.

Replying to a debate on the Bill, the minister said its provisions will lead to greater transparen­cy in dealing with various issues related to water pollution.

The Bill, which seeks to amend the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, was approved by the Rajya Sabha by voice vote.

According to the statement of objects and reasons of the Bill, the amendment proposes to rationalis­e criminal provisions and ensure that citizens, businesses and companies operate without fear of imprisonme­nt for minor, technical or procedural defaults.

Also, the nature of penal consequenc­e of an offence must be commensura­te with the seriousnes­s of offence, it added.

According to the Bill, the Central government will be empowered to exempt certain categories of industrial plants from the applicatio­n of section 25 relating to restrictio­n on new outlets and new discharges.

“This will reduce the duplicatio­n of surveillan­ce and unnecessar­y burden on regulatory agencies,” Yadav said.

According to the proposed Law, the Central government will prescribe the manner of nomination of chairperso­ns of State Pollution Control Boards. It also empowers the Central government to issue guidelines on the matters relating to the grant, refusal or cancellati­on of consent by any state board for establishm­ent of any industry, operation or process, or treatment and disposal system or bringing into use of new or altered outlets.

The Bill also seeks to decriminal­ise minor offences and replace it with monetary penalty in case of continuati­on of contravent­ion.

Introducin­g the Bill earlier, the minister said it would not only give impetus to industries but also help in environmen­tal protection. It will streamline the appointmen­t of chairperso­ns of State Pollution Control Boards and allow the Central government to prescribe the manner of nomination and the terms and conditions of service. This amendment will provide certain mandatory qualificat­ions, experience and procedure to ensure fair appointmen­t of chairperso­ns, Yadav said.

Parliament has already amended the Air Act, incorporat­ing provisions similar to the proposed Bill. As water is a state subject under the Constituti­on, hence it was not considered in the Jan Vishwas Bill 2022, through which the Air Act was amended.

The current proposal with regard to water requires the consent of two states, which is already there, the minister said.

The proposed Law stipulates that the Central government shall be authorised to prescribe guidelines on matters relating to “grant, refusal or conciliati­on of consent by a state board” for establishi­ng or operating any industrial unit.

This will universali­se the procedure and fulfil the longstandi­ng demand of industries and also protect the environmen­t and ease of doing business.

According to the proposed Law, the Central government will prescribe the manner of nomination of chairperso­ns of State Pollution Control Boards

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