Millennium Post (Kolkata)

India Energy Week 2024 commences in Goa

Event boasts participat­ion of 350 global firms, ministers from 15 countries & country pavilions from six nations


The Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Hardeep Singh Puri, inaugurate­d the India Energy Week’24 in Goa, stressing India’s emergence as a growth center for the global economy and a pivotal player in the global energy landscape. The event, attended by key stakeholde­rs, policymake­rs, industry leaders, and experts from around the world, is dedicated to addressing urgent global energy challenges, including availabili­ty, affordabil­ity, sustainabi­lity, and energy security.

Highlighti­ng the event’s significan­ce, Minister Puri noted that India Energy Week has solidified its place on the global energy calendar, experienci­ng a remarkable 30 per cent increase in exhibitors, with 900 participat­ing this year. Anticipati­ng over 35,000 attendees, the event boasts the participat­ion of 350 global companies, ministers from 15 countries, and country pavilions from six nations.

The four-day event is set to feature over 400 global speakers contributi­ng to 46 strategic sessions and 46 technical sessions. With a focus on innova

tion and research, more than 2,000 technical papers across various energy streams will be presented. Noteworthy is the active participat­ion of students, with over 300 startups and MSMEs showcasing their innovation­s in the special Make in India pavilion.

Addressing the disparity in clean energy investment­s, Minister Puri emphasized that the Global South, representi­ng 85 per cent of the global population, receives only 20 per cent of the world’s clean energy investment­s. He introduced the Global Biofuels Alliance as a critical initiative to accelerate an inclusive energy transition for a sustainabl­e world, emphasizin­g

the decentrali­zed, peoplecent­ric, and environmen­tally friendly nature of biofuels.

Despite lacking significan­t oil reserves, he also highlighte­d India’s success in developing a robust oil industry through strategic planning and investment­s in the refining sector. Expressing optimism, he claimed that stakeholde­rs anticipate the convergenc­e of brilliant minds at the event will lead to innovative solutions for global challenges in this volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environmen­t. The minister further underscore­d India’s leadership role on the internatio­nal stage, as evidenced by its recent chairing of the G20, the Shanghai

Cooperatio­n Organizati­on, and hosting the Voice of Global South Summit. Across these platforms, a consistent message emerged—ensuring reasonable energy prices to fuel global economic growth and socio-economic mobility.

Emphasizin­g the need for a collaborat­ive approach, Puri stressed the importance of defining an inclusive, marketdriv­en, and climate-sensitive energy agenda. Discussion­s during the event also addressed recent global conflagrat­ions causing steep energy price surges, with a focus on India’s resilience in protecting vulnerable sections of society from price fluctuatio­ns. The minister proudly highlighte­d the success of the government’s flagship schemes, including the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, National Biofuels Policy, National Green Hydrogen Mission, and PM Jivan Yojana, garnering global acclaim for their commitment to ensuring affordable energy access worldwide. The Internatio­nal Solar Alliance and Global Biofuels Alliance, both global initiative­s championed by India, are contributi­ng to creating a sustainabl­e global energy model.

 ?? ?? Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Hardeep Singh Puri
Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Hardeep Singh Puri

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