Millennium Post (Kolkata)

President Muizzu


the two helicopter­s in Addu City, the military personnel present in Haa Dhaalu atoll Hanimaadho­o and Laamu atoll Kahdhoo are also expected to leave ahead of May 10.

India had agreed to remove their troops from Maldives under the condition that a number of their civilians equivalent to the military presence are brought to operate the aircraft.

The Opposition has been directing criticism at the administra­tion asserting that the Indian personnel sent to Maldives as civilians are in reality military officials out of uniform and that the government has no way to ascertain otherwise, the portal claimed.

Meanwhile, local media reports also said that Maldives has successful­ly tied up with Sri Lanka to run flights for medical

evacuation last week, further indicating that it is bent on removing all Indian troops in whichever category.

Further highlighti­ng that securing true independen­ce is a concept he regards with utmost priority, the President remarked that the State is exerting efforts with due importance “to regain the southern maritime area deprived of the country in addition to expelling Indian troops from the Maldives.”

“I am confident we can achieve this. The delay in concluding this task is due to the adverse procedures practiced during the implementa­tion. It was done without even taking the matter to the parliament ... in violation of the Constituti­on as well,” the portal quoted the President as saying.

searches had seized more than Rs 8.59 crore, out of which more than Rs 41 lakh has now been adjusted as tax liability of Shivakumar and more than Rs 7.58 lakh as that of Sharma after they claimed the money as their agricultur­e income and business income, respective­ly.

The tax department later filed a charge sheet before a Bengaluru court on charges of tax evasion against all the accused and the ED took cognisance of this complaint to file a money laundering case in 2018.

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