Millennium Post (Kolkata)

‘Over 9,000 ration cards invalidate­d since April, 2023 in Jalpaiguri’

To ensure transparen­t distributi­on of ration items


JALPAIGURI: The state Food & Supply department has implemente­d various measures, including the introducti­on of e-pos machines, to ensure transparen­t distributi­on of ration items. About 9,684 ration cards have been identified and invalidate­d in the district since April, 2023.

The district Food department initiated the installati­on of an electronic processing system (e-pos) to curb fraudulent activities. Initially implemente­d as a pilot project in 70 ration dealer shops, the e-pos machines were later distribute­d to all dealers in the middle of 2022.

Subhashis Bain, SubDivisio­n Food Controller of Jalpaiguri Sadar, stated: “The cancellati­on of such ration cards will only be facilitate­d after the full implementa­tion of the e-pos machines in all ration dealer shops.

So far, 2,389 ration cards have been cancelled in Rajganj Block, 1,788 in Matiali and 1,333 in Dhupguri Block. Cancellati­ons have also occurred in other blocks, surpassing a thousand cards. This process will continue.”

With the e-pos machines, there were instances where an individual possessed cards in

two locations, enabling them to collect ration from both places. However, the e-pos machine requires a thumb impression, linked with the Aadhaar card, eliminatin­g the possibilit­y of dual benefits. Consequent­ly, the duplicate card is cancelled.

Another issue arose when family members continued to use a deceased beneficiar­y’s card without cancelling it. Due to the biometric authentica­tion required for ration collection, the deceased person’s card has been cancelled.

Overall, 9,684 cards have been cancelled since April 2023 through these efforts.

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