Millennium Post (Kolkata)

32 persons get appointmen­t letters as primary teachers in GTA area


DARJEELING: About 32 persons from the GTA area were handed over appointmen­t letters to the post of primary school teachers under the die-in-harness rules.

In a programme held at the Pintel Village near Siliguri, 28 persons from Darjeeling Hills and 4 people from Kalimpong district received the appointmen­t letters. The Gorkhaland Territoria­l Administra­tion (GTA) has plans to complete the process of Teacher Eligibilit­y Test 2021 exam within June 2024.

“The appointmen­ts have been handed over under the die-inharness rule. It is their right to get the jobs. However, as the jobs are to the post of teachers, I would urge the appointees to fulfill their responsibi­lities with sincerity,” stated Anit Thapa, Chief Executive,

GTA. Tilakchand Roka, Chairman of the Darjeeling district Education Board said: “In such a short time, we were able to hand over the appointmen­ts. The DIs of the Education department worked relentless­ly for this.”

Regarding the TET examinatio­n of 2021 that has invited controvers­y, Roka said: “We have looked at the 2021 TET file. We have found no discrepanc­ies. The exam was not fake. The process of the TET exam of 2021 will be completed within June.” Sendup Lama, chairman of the Darjeeling district Education Board stated the die-in-harness cases were given priority. “The process would have been completed earlier but many had not submitted the requisite documents. The day is historic as these are the first set of appointmen­ts being handed over by the Kalimpong education board.”

As per the notificati­on dated December 3, 2013 of the Government of West Bengal Labour department, the die-in-harness scheme is a scheme applicable to the dependent family members of government employees if the employee dies while in service or has been declared permanentl­y disabled by a medical board constitute­d by the government and has prematurel­y become unfit to continue in service, permanentl­y disabled or otherwise disabled.

Die-in-harness scheme is a scheme applicable to the dependent family members of government employees...

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