Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Govt should give a compensati­on of atleast `40,000 per acre: Hooda


Former Chief Minister and Leader of Opposition Bhupinder Singh Hooda has demanded minimum compensati­on of ₹ 40,000 per acre for farmers who suffered huge losses to standing crops due to unseasonal rain and hailstorm in the past few days.

“In many places there has been up to 100% damage. In such a situation, farmers need immediate compensati­on to compensate for this loss. The government should get the Girdawari done soon and provide them financial assistance. Out of the amount announced earlier by the government, compensati­on of Rs 422 crore is still outstandin­g. Its payment should also be made soon,” he said.

Hooda said as always, BJPJJP have left the farmers at the mercy of the portal, and as always, the portal’s server is down and not running at the time of need, hence farmers are not able to even claim compensati­on. “This is the reason why farmers have to protest for their legitimate demands. Neither the government nor the insurance companies came forward to help them in their time of need. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana has become only a means to fill the coffers of companies,” he stated.

Answering the questions of media persons, Hooda said the opposition had demanded a CBI inquiry in the case of Nafe Singh Rathi, because the BJP-JJP government has proved to be a complete failure in maintainin­g law and order and curbing crime. “Incidents like murder, extortion, firing, robbery, dacoity and rape have become common. When Congress government is formed in Haryana, crime will be eliminated from the state. Just as Congress gave priority to law and order when it formed the government in 2005, the state will once again be given a safe environmen­t by cracking down on miscreants,” he promised. Hooda said BJP-JJP have made Haryana a haven for criminals, and investors are withdrawin­g from the state due to high crime rate. “Due to lack of investment, employment is not being created and unemployme­nt is continuous­ly increasing. This unemployme­nt is the mother of drugs and crime, and it is the responsibi­lity of every government to crack down on crime and drugs. The present government has completely failed in fulfilling its responsibi­lity. The Social Progress Index of the Central Government itself and the NCRB report testify to this,” he stated.

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