Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Abhay is happy he didn’t package himself into brand and PR


Nineteen years ago, on March 5, Abhay Deol stepped into the world of cinema with his debut film ‘Socha Na Tha’. As he looked back on this special day, the actor expressed how it still feels like just yesterday. Taking to his ‘Instagram’ handle, the actor penned a note, noting what he could have done differentl­y.

Abhay said that he stayed true to himself and avoided market pressures for endorsemen­ts and PR. He wrote, “On this day 19 years ago, I made my debut in the film ‘Socha Na Tha’. Still feels like it was only yesterday! It’s been quite the learning curve. How innocent and naive we were. While I’m happy that I didn’t cave into market demands and package myself into a brand via endorsemen­ts and PR, I do wish I was a bit savvier.”

“But here I am, 19 years later, still making movies. I cannot be more grateful. And I did become a brand via the film choices I made. I faced the successes and failures of my choices by myself. Following my heart has taught me many valuable lessons. I wouldn’t change a thing because I wouldn’t be the man I am today, so comfortabl­e in his skin,” the actor continued.

Abhay Deol hilariousl­y admits to a few regrets, like not having his own stylist. “Although I do wish I’d gotten my own stylist for the movie and someone to tell me that my sideburns made me look like a 1970s porn star!”

‘Socha Na Tha’ is a romantic comedy film that hit theatres in 2005. It marked the debut of Abhay Deol and also starred Ayesha Takia and Apoorva Jha. The film was directed by Imtiaz Ali.

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