Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Indian Navy thwarts Somali pirates’ hijack attempts


The Indian Navy has foiled attempts by a group of Somali pirates to hijack ships in the high seas off the east coast of Somalia as it intercepte­d their vessel, officials said on Saturday.

The armed pirates had sailed out on board a cargo ship named Ruen that was hijacked around three months ago, they said. “The ex-MV Ruen, which had been hijacked by Somali pirates on 14 December, was reported to have sailed out as a pirate ship towards conducting acts of piracy on high seas,” the Navy said.

The vessel was intercepte­d by an Indian Navy warship on March 15, it said. The Navy said the pirates opened fire on the Indian warship, which took appropriat­e actions in selfdefenc­e as per internatio­nal law and to counter piracy and used minimal force to neutralise the pirates’ threat to shipping and seafarers.

“The pirates onboard the vessel have been called upon to surrender and release the vessel and any civilians they may be holding against their will,” the Navy said in a statement.

“The Indian Navy remains committed to maritime security and safety of seafarers in the region,” it added.

On Friday, the Navy said an Indian warship and a longrange maritime patrol aircraft extended assistance to a Bangladesh­i-flagged cargo vessel after it was hijacked.

It said the safety of the crew held hostage by the armed pirates was ascertaine­d and the Indian Navy warship continued to maintain its presence in close vicinity of the vessel till its arrival in the territoria­l waters of Somalia.

In the last few weeks, the Indian Navy has extended assistance to a number of merchant vessels in the Western Indian Ocean following attacks on them. The Indian Navy, earlier this month, foiled a piracy attempt on an Iranian-flagged fishing vessel having a crew of 11 Iranian and eight Pakistani nationals along the east coast of Somalia.

In January, Indian warship INS Sumitra rescued 19 Pakistani crew of an Iranianfla­gged fishing vessel after it was attacked by pirates off the east coast of Somalia. The Navy on January 5 thwarted an attempted hijacking of the Liberian-flagged vessel MV Lila Norfolk in the North Arabian Sea and rescued all its crew members.

The Navy has already enhanced the deployment of its frontline ships and surveillan­ce aircraft for maritime security operations in view of the maritime environmen­t in the critical sea lanes, including in the North and Central Arabian Sea.

‘The pirates onboard the vessel have been called upon to surrender and release the vessel and any civilians they may be holding against their will’

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