Millennium Post (Kolkata)

EC makes provision on its website to know about specifics of ‘route marches’ by Central Forces


This initiative will enable people to know which areas of the state the Central Forces are deployed in and where they are conducting route marches from the comfort of their homes

Taking into account complaints related to route marches by the Central Forces, the Election Commission (EC), has decided to enhance transparen­cy in the process by making all informatio­n related to route marches available to the public and political parties through its website.

This initiative will enable people to know which areas of the state the Central Forces are deployed in and where they are conducting route marches from the comfort of their homes.

Moreover, if there is any complaint about the route march of Central Forces before the Lok Sabha polls, it can now be reported directly to the election officer, said sources.

“It is not the first time that the Commission has opted to disseminat­e informatio­n during elections, however, this year, the Commission wants strict implementa­tion of this process,” a senior EC official said. Beginning March 29, the Army has been instructed to forward informatio­n about the route marches to the commission, it was learnt. This informatio­n will be accessible on the website of the State Chief Electoral Officer at ceowestben­ Upon visiting the website, individual­s can learn about the route marches of the Central Forces by navigating to a section titled ‘Route March’. According to the Commission, if any person or group feels that the state police is not taking Central Forces to a particular place, or is not conducting a route march, then a complaint can be made directly to the district electoral officer (District Electoral Officer or DEO). Actions will be taken based on that.

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