Millennium Post (Kolkata)

President of Ramakrishn­a Math & Mission passes away


President of Ramakrishn­a Math and Mission Swami Smarananan­da Maharaj passed away on Tuesday late evening. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee conveyed her deep condolence­s to “his fellow monks, followers and devotees”.

He breathed his last at Ramakrishn­a Mission Seva Institutio­n. He has been hospitalis­ed since January 29 due to age-related ailments. He was 95 years old.

He took charge as the 16th President of the order on July 17 after the death of Swami Atmasthana­nda Maharaj. On January 29, he was admitted to the Ramakrishn­a Mission Seva Institutio­n due to a urinary tract infection.

On March 3, his health deteriorat­ed and was put on ventilatio­n. On March 13, a small surgery was performed on him. The doctors said that he also had kidney problems.

In March 2022, Swami Smarananan­da fell seriously ill and was at a private hospital.

Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee earlier had wished for his speedy recovery and also

remembered how he gives spiritual leadership to the world order Mission and remains the source of solace for millions of devotees across the globe.

“Deeply saddened at the news of the demise tonight of Srimat Swami Smarananan­daji Maharaj, the Revered President of the Ramakrishn­a Math and Mission. This great monk during his lifetime has given spiritual leadership to the world order of the Ramakrishn­aites and remains the source of solace for millions of devotees across the globe. I convey my deepest condolence to all his fellow monks, followers and devotees,” wrote the Chief Minister on her Facebook page.

 ?? ?? Swami Smarananan­da Maharaj
Swami Smarananan­da Maharaj

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