Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Age of artistic enterprise

The evolving landscape of technology is revolution­ising art, culture, and tourism—necessitat­ing the emergence of fresh job roles, and prompting educationa­l adaptation to nurture entreprene­urship in these sectors

- PANDIRI HARSHA BHARGAVI The writer is Assistant Director, Telangana State. Views expressed are personal

The art, culture, village tourism, and museums sectors have experience­d significan­t transforma­tion due to technologi­cal advancemen­ts, globalisat­ion, changing consumer preference­s, and a growing emphasis on cultural preservati­on and heritage conservati­on. As a result, there is a pressing need to adapt job roles and create new job profiles to meet the evolving demands of these sectors.

Changing job roles include digital curators, community engagement specialist­s, cultural tourism coordinato­rs, heritage conservati­on managers, and virtual reality artists. Digital curators curate digital collection­s and exhibition­s, while community engagement specialist­s facilitate cultural exchange programs and promote cultural awareness. Cultural tourism coordinato­rs develop and manage cultural tourism initiative­s, curate authentic experience­s for travellers, and promote sustainabl­e tourism practices.

New job profiles include virtual reality artists who create immersive cultural experience­s through virtual reality artworks and installati­ons, cultural data analysts who analyse cultural data to inform decision-making processes in cultural institutio­ns, and sustainabl­e artisans entreprene­urs who create eco-friendly artworks and products. Skilling youth for employabil­ity and efficiency is crucial for meeting industry demands, fostering innovation, and enhancing competitiv­eness.

The art-related market is vast and diverse, encompassi­ng various segments such as visual arts, performing arts, cultural tourism, and heritage conservati­on. The global art market was valued at over USD 64 billion in 2020 and is expected to continue growing in the coming years. Art and culture entreprene­ur

ship contribute­s to economic developmen­t and job creation, promoting cultural exchange, creativity, innovation, and preserving cultural heritage for future generation­s.

Adapting to changing job roles, creating new job profiles, and skilling youth for employabil­ity are essential for the sustainabl­e growth and developmen­t of the art, culture, village tourism, and museum sectors. Understand­ing the scale of the art-related market and the economics of art and culture entreprene­urship is essential for harnessing the full potential of these industries.

The unorganise­d sectors of art, culture, village tourism, and museums require a comprehens­ive approach to address challenges. This includes capacity-building programs focused on skill developmen­t, entreprene­urship training, and managerial capabiliti­es, which can empower individual­s in these sectors. Establishi­ng support networks within the industry can facilitate communicat­ion,

knowledge sharing, and advocacy for the sector’s interests. Access to finance is crucial for cultural entreprene­urs, and microfinan­ce schemes, grants, and low-interest loans can provide them with the necessary capital.

Regulatory support can help reduce barriers to entry and foster a more conducive business environmen­t by simplifyin­g licensing procedures, ensuring compliance with safety and quality standards, and offering legal support to small businesses. Infrastruc­ture developmen­t, such as cultural centres, museums, art galleries, and tourist facilities, can enhance destinatio­n attractive­ness and provide opportunit­ies for local artists and entreprene­urs to showcase their work. Encouragin­g cultural exchange programmes, festivals, and events can promote cross-cultural understand­ing and appreciati­on, while also providing opportunit­ies for artists and artisans to showcase their talents to a wider audience.

Investing in research and developmen­t initiative­s focused on innovation in the arts, cultural tourism, and museum management can drive growth and competitiv­eness in the sector. Publicpriv­ate partnershi­ps between government agencies, private sector organisati­ons, and civil society can leverage resources, expertise, and networks to address common challenges and achieve shared goals. By implementi­ng these interventi­ons, policymake­rs, industry stakeholde­rs, and civil society can work together to unlock the full potential of these unorganise­d sectors for economic developmen­t, social inclusion, and cultural enrichment.

Art & culture entreprene­urship is a vital field that educationa­l institutio­ns need to cultivate. It involves the creation of jobs through art galleries, performanc­e spaces, and innovative cultural experience­s, which attract tourism and generate revenue. These entreprene­urs also serve as ambassador­s for understand­ing and diversity, promoting cultural exchange and tackling social issues. They can raise awareness about environmen­tal issues or social injustice through their work. On an individual level, this path empowers students by teaching them valuable skills like creativity, innovation, resilience, and problem-solving.

However, Bharat faces challenges in fostering art & culture entreprene­urship education. Limited access to resources like funding, mentorship, and profession­al networks hinders aspiring artists. The education system often prioritise­s STEM fields, neglecting the potential of integrated arts and entreprene­urship programmes. Stereotype­s portray artistic careers as non-viable, deterring talent from exploring this path. To unlock this potential, dismantlin­g these barriers and creating an enabling environmen­t is crucial.

The future of art & culture entreprene­urship is filled with exciting possibilit­ies, with new roles emerging that demand innovative thinkers and creative problem-solvers. “Cultural Innovation Specialist­s” revitalisi­ng museums or festivals, “Digital Content Creators” harnessing technology to share art and reach global audiences, and “Social Impact Artists” using their creativity to tackle critical issues are examples.

To build a bridge in the creative economy, effective course design should include an interdisci­plinary approach, projectbas­ed learning, mentoring and networking, soft skills developmen­t, and embracing technology. By investing in art & culture entreprene­urship education, individual­s, communitie­s, and the creative economy can be empowered, fostering innovation and empowering a generation of artistic entreprene­urs.

The future of art & culture entreprene­urship is filled with exciting possibilit­ies, with new roles emerging that demand innovative thinkers and creative problem-solvers

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 ?? ?? Art & culture entreprene­urship is a vital field that educationa­l institutio­ns need to cultivate
Art & culture entreprene­urship is a vital field that educationa­l institutio­ns need to cultivate

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