Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Adani eyes 45 GW renewable energy capacity by 2030


Billionair­e Gautam Adani’s group is building the world’s largest renewable energy park in Gujarat, as it eyes a massive 45 GW capacity to generate electricit­y largely from solar energy.

Speaking at the opening of ‘Energy Revolution: The Adani Green Energy Gallery’ at the Science Museum in London, Gautam Adani said his group’s renewable energy arm, Adani Green Energy, is leading an energy transition that honours the commitment of taking care of the planet not just for this generation and the next but also for generation­s to come.

“As the world’s leading solar power developer and India’s largest renewable energy company, we are taking very big steps,” he said. “In Khavda, which is in the state of Gujarat, we are building the world’s largest renewable energy park. It will have a generation capacity of 30 GW of energy - and it is incredibly big. Its area of 538 square kilometers is more than five times bigger than Paris.”

This is part of the aim to reach 45 GW of renewable energy by 2030, said Adani, the chairman of the apples-toairport conglomera­te.

“This will be like providing clean energy to almost every house in England,” he said.

It currently has an operating renewable portfolio of over 9.5 GW and locked-in projects of up to 21.8 Gigawatt (GW).

The Gallery explores how the world can generate and use energy more sustainabl­y to urgently decarbonis­e and to limit dangerous climate change.

“Through striking displays of contempora­ry and historic objects from the UK and abroad, interactiv­e digital exhibits, and specially commission­ed models, the gallery shows how the past, present and future are shaped by human imaginatio­n and innovation and explores how we all have a role to play in deciding our energy future,” a company statement said.

The Gallery, which is open to the public for free, examines this century’s defining challenge through the lens of imaginatio­n across three sections.

In Future Planet, visitors can explore how scientists use complex computer-based models to understand our planet, and what these tell us about the range of climate futures that might lie ahead.

In Future Energy, technologi­es and the people behind them that are reimaginin­g how energy is supplied and used are highlighte­d alongside historic artefacts which provide a longer view of the transition away from fossil fuels.

Adani said museums are very important because they teach and inspire. “This new gallery is about more than just clean air - or about moving away from oil and gas. It is about the energy transition we need - this world needs - and it is about the revolution that is taking place in the world of energy.”

The gallery, he said, was special because it makes us think, dream and wish for change. At the centre of the gallery is Only Breath, a moving sculpture that signifies the power of nature to inspire technologi­cal change.

Radiating outward from the centre are plinths which display vital low-carbon renewable energy technologi­es for the transition, from nuclear, hydrogen and solar to wind and tidal power, alongside remarkable historic innovation­s that remind us how major change is possible and that many of the technologi­es needed to make the low-carbon energy transition already exist.

Objects in this section include a 7m long tidal turbine blade made by Scottish renewable energy company Orbital Marine Power and the first electric taxi, the Bersey cab, hailed by Londoners in 1897.

‘In Khavda, Gujarat, the group is building the world’s largest renewable energy park. It will have a generation capacity of 30 GW of energy - and it is incredibly big’

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