Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Cops run awareness campaigns, use cricket clippings on social media


Using social media, Kolkata Police is using clippings of cricket to spread awareness about following traffic rules and how to stay safe from cyber-crimes.

On Tuesday, Kolkata Police uploaded a clipping of Virat Kohli putting his bat behind the crease with his legs outside the line.

The bowler stopped short of throwing the ball and was about to hit the stumps. Sensing the danger, Kohli put his bat behind the line. In the second part of the clipping, a scooter overshoots the stop line but immediatel­y returns behind the line. The message delivered is to play within the limits in order to stay safe, whether on road or at the cricket pitch.

Earlier on Monday, Kolkata Police had uploaded a video to caution aware people about cyber-crime. In

the footage, Indian off spinner Harbhajan Singh was seen bowling in his unique style. After that, Kohli was seen copying Singh’s bowling style. Following the clippings of the cricketers, a picture of two initial codes used before any web address was seen.

However, one of them was false and the other, original and safe.

On the side of the two codes, police wrote ‘copy’ and ‘original’ to make peo

ple understand when to click to gain further access to a website and when to back off.

If ‘http://’ is written before a web address and a red exclamatio­n mark is there before the code then it is likely to be false and data stored on the system may get compromise­d. If it is written, ‘https://’ and a green padlock sign is visible before the code then it is safe to click as it is a secure connection.

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