Millennium Post (Kolkata)

India advises its citizens against travel to Iran, Israel as Middle East on edge

‘Iran would likely launch a direct attack on Israel within the next 48 hours’


The Ministry of External Affairs on Friday asked its citizens to avoid travelling to Iran and Israel amid escalating tensions between the two countries following a recent strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria. Meanwhile, other several nations, including Russia, the US and France, have issued similar advisories for their citizens.

The Ministry also asked Indians who are currently residing in Iran or Israel to contact the Indian embassies there and register themselves.

The government also put a halt to the deployment of Indian workers in Israel’s constructi­on sector. The decision affects over 6,000 workers who were scheduled to travel to Israel in the coming months. The move follows the departure of an initial group of 64 workers earlier this month.

The Israeli constructi­on industry, following the Israel-Hamas conflict, is reportedly seeking to recruit a large number of Indian workers to fill the gap left by Palestinia­n labourers. A joint decision by Israeli authoritie­s plans to facilitate the transport of Indian workers through subsidised charter flights.

Iran has blamed Israel for the strike and there have been fears that Tehran may launch an attack on Israel soon.

In an advisory, the MEA also urged the Indians residing in Iran and Israel to exercise utmost precaution­s about their safety and restrict their movements to a minimum.

MEA also urged the Indians residing in Iran and Israel to exercise utmost precaution­s about their safety and restrict their movements to a minimum

“In view of the prevailing situation in the region, all Indians are advised not to travel to Iran or Israel till further notice. They are also requested to observe utmost precaution­s about their safety and restrict their movements to the minimum,” it added.

The MEA advisory came on a day when The Wall Street Journal reported that Iran would likely launch a direct attack on Israel within the next 48 hours.

India has voiced its concern over the recent attack in Damascus and the rising tensions that threaten regional stability. The Indian government continues to advocate for a de-escalation of hostilitie­s and the resumption of peace talks to resolve the Palestine issue

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