Millennium Post (Kolkata)

WBCUTA demands appointmen­t of full-time V-Cs in state univs


KOLKATA: Expressing concern over the condition of state universiti­es, the West Bengal College and Teachers’ Associatio­n (WBCUTA) on Friday demanded for appointmen­t of full-time Vice-Chancellor­s and Deans as per the UGC rules.

“Appoint full-time vicechance­llors (V-C) and Deans, as per the relevant UGC rules, and arrange for the election of teacher-representa­tives in the statutory bodies of universiti­es,

such as the Court, the Executive Council, the Senate and the Syndicate

amongst others,” the associatio­n demanded.

Through a Press conference,

they appealed to the Supreme Court to resolve the long-pending case regarding the appointmen­t of full-time V-Cs in state-aided universiti­es at the earliest “to put an end to the ongoing fiasco,” which according to them is hurting the cause of Higher Education in the state.

“We shall continue our struggle for the restoratio­n of academic sanity and democratic environmen­t within campuses against the powers that are trying their best to destroy the same.

As a part of this struggle, we will take protest initiative­s on April 19 in all the colleges and universiti­es of Bengal,” the general secretary of JUTA Partha Pratim Ray said.

The associatio­n has also demanded adequate infrastruc­ture to higher education institutes for running the newly introduced four-year-undergradu­ateprogram­mes (FYUGP).

They alleged that it is running illegally in most of the universiti­es as their regulation­s have not yet been passed by their respective statutory bodies, meaningful­ly and effectivel­y.

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