Millennium Post (Kolkata)

‘File report on plaint of road being built from middle of agri land’


The Calcutta High Court on Friday directed the Block Land and Land Reforms Officer as well as Block Developmen­t Officer of Kotulpur under Bankura district to file reports regarding a complaint of concrete road being constructe­d from the middle of an agricultur­al land.

According to the advocate representi­ng the petitioner­s, steps are being taken to construct a 2.083 kilometre concrete road from Ramdiha to Brahmandan­ga Primary School. It was submitted that the cost awarded for constructi­on of the road is Rs 93.27 lakh and it is being funded from the state fund.

It is executed by the West Bengal State Rural Developmen­t Agency’s (WBSRDA) Bishnupur Division under Bankura district. The petitioner claimed that there was no existence of any road but the authoritie­s are taking steps to construct a concrete road there, which passes from the middle of the agricultur­al land.

The Advocate representi­ng the state respondent submitted that school children use the pathway for going to school. The pathway is made of mud and gets washed away during the monsoon, so as a permanent solution, the concrete road is being constructe­d. The advocate for the petitioner denied the claim and stated that there exists “aal” which is used to demarcate one plot from the other.

Justice Amrita Sinha directed the Block Land and Land Reforms Officer of Kotulpur to conduct a spot inspection in presence of Block Developmen­t Officer (BDO) of Kotulpur to ascertain the existence of the passage and thereafter file a report. Justice Sinha directed the two officials to file separate reports disclosing the same. The matter will be heard on June 17.

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