Millennium Post (Kolkata)

KMC to compile info on unauthoris­ed properties during tax collection


With several owners of allegedly illegal constructi­ons raising questions as to how the Kolkata Municipal Corporatio­n (KMC) has been collecting taxes from them, the civic body is learnt to have issued an internal circular directing that during collection of tax, informatio­n relating to whether such properties have proper clearance from the Building department is to be uploaded in its online database with remarks.

It was reportedly learnt that an internal circular has directed the Assessment department that while tax collection it should check whether the property has proper building plans or if at all it had received sanctions for any particular portion which was added later. Details relating to the flat, including the floor and flat number, is to be uploaded in its online database.

Any property which is awaiting sanction or hasn’t received any completion certificat­e is also to be uploaded. If there are any court related cases regarding the property, that too needs to find a place in the online database.

Such informatio­n is to be uploaded along with remarks. The IT department of the civic body is learnt to have been given the responsibi­lity to compile the data with proper informatio­n and remarks for KMC’s future use.

Further, if any constructi­on is found raised without any sanction from the civic body, the informatio­n needs to be uploaded in the database with remarks while the assessee numbers of the taxpayer may stand cancelled. The informatio­n compiled will be sent to the Building department for necessary action. Such informatio­n will also be made available in the public domain.

Sources said that with the civic body collecting taxes from the owners of such illegal properties, it legitimise­s these properties since the owner questions how their property is illegal if the civic body is collecting taxes from them.

It was learnt that the civic body mainly collects the taxes since the residents of these properties avail water and drainage facilities. According to KMC sources, if such taxes are not collected then the civic body will be at a loss.

Details relating to the flat, including the floor and flat number, is to be uploaded in its online database

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