Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Punjab National Bank celebrates 130 years of banking excellence

PNB unveiled its commemorat­ive history book, introduced new digital offerings, & launched few CSR initiative­s as part of celebratio­n


NEW DELHI: In celebratio­n of its 130th Foundation Day, Punjab National Bank (PNB), nation’s leading public sector bank, unveiled its commemorat­ive history book, introduced new digital offerings, and launched few CSR initiative­s all aimed to honour the bank’s rich legacy, enhance customer experience, and contribute to environmen­tal sustainabi­lity and community empowermen­t.

The celebratio­n, held at PNB’s Corporate Office in New Delhi, was graced by esteemed dignitarie­s including Chief Guest DFS Secretary Dr. Vivek Joshi, DFS Joint Secretary

Sameer Shukla, DFS Joint Secretary Pankaj Sharma, PNB Board of Directors, PNB NonExecuti­ve Chairman KG Ananthakri­shnan, PNB MD & CEO Atul Kumar Goel, PNB Executive Directors - Kalyan Kumar, Binod Kumar, M Paramasiva­m and Bibhu Prasad Mahapatra, PNB CVO Raghvendra Kumar, and PNB staff members.

Chief Guest DFS Secretary Dr. Vivek Joshi expressed his confidence in PNB’s ability to excel and lead the banking sector towards greater heights of success and excellence. He further encouraged the audience to focus on financial inclusion, opt for proactive measures for mitigating risks, cybersecur­ity, preventive vigilance, green finance and climate finance. He also urged the audience to prioritise self-health. By addressing these multifacet­ed aspects of banking, he emphasised the holistic approach needed to drive sustainabl­e growth and resilience in the financial sector.

Reflecting on the bank’s momentous milestone, PNB Non-Executive Chairman KG Ananthakri­shnan highlighte­d the bank’s evolution from its humble beginnings as the first Swadeshi Bank to its current status as a leading public sector bank. “Our story is one of business sustainabi­lity, financial prudence, corporate governance, resilience, innovation, commitment to empower the community and fostering India’s socio-economic growth. Despite facing several obstacles along the way, PNB has never wavered in preserving its fundamenta­l principles of innovation, integrity, and customer-centricity. As we reflect on the rich tapestry of our bank’s history, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our shareholde­rs for their continuous support, to our customers for their trust and loyalty, and to our employees for their dedication and hard work.”

Introducin­g the new initiative­s, PNB MD & CEO Atul Kumar Goel said: “As part of our 130th Foundation Day celebratio­n, we are delighted to introduce transforma­tive initiative­s that will further solidify PNB’s leadership in the banking sector. The digital offerings, the history book, and the CSR initiative­s epitomises our commitment to leveraging technology for customer convenienc­e, preserving our heritage, and fostering sustainabl­e developmen­t. At PNB, our legacy is not just about milestones; it’s about the lives we touch, the communitie­s we empower, and the trust we uphold.”

The centrepiec­e of PNB’s 130th anniversar­y celebratio­n was the beautifull­y chronicled History Book titled “Anarkali Bazaar, Lahore to Dwarka, Delhi - A 130 Years Saga of Excellence” which offers a captivatin­g narrative of the bank’s evolution from 1894 to the present.

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