Millennium Post

Why they secretly undergo abortions every year

10 million Indian women lack access to contracept­ive devices to limit or space their families


In 2008, Arti Chauhan (name changed to protect identity), mother of a 12-year-old girl, a 9-year-old boy and a 6-year old girl, became aware that two pills -- mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l -- could induce an abortion, a procedure she considered when she got pregnant when her boy was just a year old.

Chauhan, 28, wife of a daily wager in Rajasthan’s Sirohi district, did not want another child so soon.

“A neighbour told me about the medicine,” she said. “I bought it from the medical store for Rs 500. I aborted in 10 days. It was easy. It was much cheaper than having to pay for a surgical abortion.” Three years earlier, Chauhan had paid Rs 2,000 to a private doctor in Abu Road for a surgical abortion.

Chauhan’s story is echoed across India: Millions of women become pregnant because they lack access to contracept­ive devices to limit or space their families, or are ignorant about them. More than 10 million women terminate their pregnancie­s in the privacy of their homes, reflecting the government’s failure to address family planning needs adequately, endangerin­g mothers and keeping India more populated than it might be if women had access to, and knowledge of, contracept­ives.

A family planning programme and budget skewed towards sterilisat­ion leave one in five women with an unmet need for contracept­ion in India, according to the District Level Household and Facility Survey 2007-08.

Eliminatin­g all unwanted births by adequately meeting the need for contracept­ives would reduce India’s total fertility rate below the replacemen­t level -- a stage where the population neither increases nor decreases -- of 2.1.

India’s fertility rate is currently 2.3, but if women were provided contracept­ive devices and guaranteed safe abortions, the fertility rate could fall to 1.9 (the same as US, Australia, and Sweden), according to a National Family Health Survey estimate.

“If the government adequately focuses on preventing unwanted births and on empowering women to make the right decisions, India’s population could start falling,” said Poonam Muttreja, executive director, The Pop- ulation Foundation of India, a nongovernm­ental organisati­on working on population issues.

After the birth of her third child -- a girl she did not want -- the Chauhans wanted a second boy. A neighbour suggested contracept­ion. “Then I started using Mala-d,” she said.

Otherwise, she would repeatedly be popping pills to terminate unwanted pregnancie­s, with possible complicati­ons such as severe abdominal or back pain, heavy bleeding with clotting, cramps, fever, vomiting, nausea, foul-smelling discharge, perforatio­n and injury.

An estimated 2 to 5 percent Indian women require surgical interventi­on to resolve an incomplete abortion, terminate a continuing pregnancy, or control bleeding, according to the World Health Organisati­on.

The taking of pills to induce an abortion enters the national data as no more than pharmaceut­ical industry sales data. “Most of India’s unreported abortions are not to terminate unwanted teenage or single-women pregnancie­s,” said Muttreja. “Medical abortion has become a proxy contracept­ive for married women from socially and economical­ly less privileged households.”

Against 0.7 million reported annual abortions, India logged sales of 11 million units of popular abortion medicines, mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l, according to Lancet, a global medical journal.

At present, Indians have a choice of five state-provisione­d contracept­ive methods -- condoms, combined oral pills, intra-uterine devices, male and female sterilisat­ion -- and starting in March 2016 in Haryana, the first state to implement a new government directive, an injectable contracept­ive.

“Research estimates that every new option added to this basket of choices will increase the modern contracept­ive rate by 8-12 percent,” said Muttreja. With the Indian contracept­ive prevalence rate at 52.4 percent -- meaning just over half of Indian women, or their partners, are currently using contracept­ion -- plenty of scope exists to increase the rate, which would, in turn, bode well for population control.

Surgical abortion was legalised in India with the advent of the Medical Terminatio­n of Pregnancy (MTP) Act in 1971, marking a significan­t step forward for Indian women. “Abortions by quacks were putting women at great risk,” said Suneeta Mittal, Director and Head, Obstetrics & Gynaecolog­y, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon.

Until the legalisati­on of mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l in 2002, no more than 6 percent of primary health centres and 31 percent of larger community health centres nationwide offered safe abortion services. Now, women can pop pills in the privacy of their home.

“Medicine eliminates the cost and risk surroundin­g hospital admission, anaesthesi­a and surgery; and it offers more privacy than a surgical abortion,” said Mangala Ramachandr­a, Consultant Obstetrici­an and Gynaecolog­ist at the Fortis Hospitals, Bengaluru.

The gap between recorded and estimated abortions based on medicine sales suggests women are aborting foe- tuses, primarily female. India’s gender ratio in 2011 was 940 females for 1000 males.

Another concern is the health risk to women from terminatin­g their pregnancie­s unaided at home. “More than half of all abortions in India continue to be unsafe,” said Vinoj Manning, Executive Director, Ipas Developmen­t Foundation, an advocacy. Among unsafe abortions, he counts home attempts as well as procedures by backstreet quacks.

“Incomplete abortions have increased from around 30 percent to over 50 percent in the last five years, which shows the increase in unsuccessf­ul home medical abortion attempts,” he said.

One way to increase the count of abortions and track the use of medical abortion is to improve record-keeping by doctors. Incomplete abortions or post-abortion complicati­ons are currently outside the purview of the MTP Act, despite being common occurrence­s.

About 97 of every 100 abortion cases presenting to Kusum Lata Agarwal, a doctor in a government health facility in Abu Road, are for incomplete abortion or the management of postaborti­on complicati­ons.

Two years ago, Agarwal was trained in conducting and recording abortions by the state with support from the Ipas Developmen­t Foundation. Since then, she maintains more records than the law currently requires.

“Before being trained in comprehens­ive abortion care, I was assisting women visiting my facility for incomplete abortions but only showing such procedures as evacuation­s, not abortions,” she said. “Our seniors never checked our records. Now I record even incomplete abortions as abortions.”

Another way to control the use of mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l is to make these abortion pills available only through the government, but that would impinge on a woman’s right to end a pregnancy and could create new challenges for needy women, said experts. (In an arrangemen­t with, a data-driven, non-profit, public interest journalism platform. The views expressed are those of Indiaspend.)

Taking pills to induce an abortion enters the national data as no more than pharmaceut­ical industry sales data. Medical abortion has become a proxy contracept­ive for married women from socially and economical­ly less privileged households

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