Millennium Post

Hindu Mahasabha irked at IAS topper’s wedding


NEW DELHI: Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha members have written a letter to 2015 UPSC topper Tina Dabi’s parents after she recently announced she will marry the second rank holder, Athar Aamir-ul Shafi Khan. Mahasabha has asked the IAS officer’s parents to cancel the wedding or at least convince Khan to get converted.

“This decision of your family will promote love jihad and thus the wedding should not take place at any cost. If the couple is still willing to tie the knot, then ghar-wapsi of Khan should be done and a wedding should take place only after he agrees to get converted. Our members will help you in his re-conversion or ghar wapsi,” reads the letter from Munna Kumar Sharma, the outfit’s national general secretary.

In a letter addressed to Jaswant Dabi, Tina’s father, Sharma said, “All of us were very happy after the success Tina achieved when she topped the UPSC 2015 exam. But her decision to marry Khan has come as a shock and all of us are very sad to know this. This is to inform you that Muslims are promoting ‘love jihad’ on a high level wherein they make Hindu girls fall in love with them, convert them to Muslim religion and marry them. But if marrying each other is important for both of them, then we suggest that Khan’s ghar wapsi be done.”

The recent announceme­nt on Facebook by Tina Dabi to marry Athar, who stood second in the same all-india exam, had taken social media by storm last week. They started dating soon after they met in May. While it was love at first sight for Athar, Dabi was charmed by his perseveran­ce a few months later. While announcing on social media that they were in a relationsh­ip, the couple had very clearly said that they will continue to follow their respective faiths and none of them was going to convert.

 ??  ?? 2015 UPSC topper Tina Dabi has made it public that she is dating second rank holder, Athar Aamir-ul Shafi Khan from Kashmir
2015 UPSC topper Tina Dabi has made it public that she is dating second rank holder, Athar Aamir-ul Shafi Khan from Kashmir

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