Millennium Post

Modi trying to control irreversib­le damage

It may take a long time before cash-deprived nation returns to normalcy after demonetisa­tion


Barring the infamous emergency of 1975 enforced by Indira Gandhi, India's millions had not been thrown into a convulsion on a scale wrought by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's demonetisa­tion with its chaotic impact for the entire population and a distressed economy, neither jobcreatin­g nor inclusive.

Nobody would grudge the altruistic Modi his noble intent to end corruption and black money, but his "surgical strike" as his Ministers take pride in characteri­sing his November 8 action in illegalisi­ng 86 percent of the money in circulatio­n, had deprived the people, at all levels, of much-needed cash in time. This has pushed the poorest among them to the absolute brink of survival.

Ultimately, at some point in time, we would hope to get to know the outcome of such an arbitrary exercise of power concerning its ostensible purpose. It could prove to be a pittance for the assumed hoards of tax-evaded cash for nefarious purposes. Thus, it could set a train of more desperate moves to bring out the elusive black money, whatever the consequenc­es.

The Modi Government seems to have moved into gear of decisivene­ss, with the majoritari­an streaks of some of its Ministers, ignoring canons of our proud Democracy. Instead of the promised "Achhe Din", the people of India are bearing economic pain in the third year of the Modi Government.

The economic adventuris­m underlying the demonetisa­tion has to be viewed in the political context, with the forthcomin­g elections in Uttar Pradesh, a crucial pathway for 2019 when Mr Modi would be aiming at his second term. Whatever that may be, he could have mitigated the unbearable sufferings of the middle class and poor in having access to their hardearned cash for day-to-day transactio­ns.

That would have necessaril­y involved the Prime Minister at least consulting close confidante­s including economists who would have spelt out ways of achieving his objectives with less pain for the people at large. And expert advice would have spelt out a phased approach and ensured technical informatio­n on preparatio­ns needed for such an assault.

That the country's monetary authority was itself caught unawares is clear from the pre-arranged interview with its head, RBI Governor Dr Urjit Patel, who finally broke his silence and said demonetisa­tion involved "mammoth logistics". RBI was taking necessary action "to ease the genuine pain of citizens who are honest and who have been hurt". There was no indication in the interview as to how long it would take for normalcy in the banking system to be restored to be able to meet genuine needs of honest customers and for fulfilling credit requiremen­ts of the economy. The Governor said the situation was gradually easing.

On the disruption of trade and business in the country, Dr Patel said it is "very rare to remove 86 percent of the currency in circulatio­n in one go" and then listed the steps taken by RBI to meet the situation on a daily basis.

An acute financial stress or money black-out is continuing to take its toll in several ways. The masses, urban and rural, line up for wherewitha­l after surrenderi­ng whatever they held in the banned currency.

With the arrested flow of cash, economic activity is grinding to a halt in many places, the most affected being the vendors of vegetables, fruits and other perishable goods, retail traders who are witnessing steep fall in sales, and the small-scale industrial units facing demand constraint­s. Workers are not getting paid their dues, and migrant labour has become the most vulnerable in this cash squeeze, thousands of them returning home without being able to realise their earnings. The end of a gigantic social misery is not in sight, at this stage.

With the people's money locked up with the ill-prepared banking system, it could be a few months – not Modi's 'fifty days" even after demonetisa­tion has played out devastatin­gly for 20 days – before one could go to a bank for cash with some confidence. This again is subject to the Modi Government not coming up with 'fatwas' on how banks regulate business. In the guise of relief, a gradual remonetisa­tion has been taking place through RBI with a series of relaxation­s.

It would be months before the printing of new notes of the required quantities is completed. Given the massive amounts poured into banks by actual customers, RBI has announced an incrementa­l CRR till Government issues market stabilisat­ion bonds.

In effect, this puts Government at greater fiscal comfort, enabling it to set apart a certain amount for the recapitali­sation of stressed banks while it should boost some developmen­t expenditur­e such as on infrastruc­ture. The first charge on it for Finance Minister Arun Jaitley would be to make up the shortfall in keeping the fiscal deficit at the budgeted 3.5 percent of GDP.

But the Modi Government plans to turn the adversity for the masses into an opportunit­y for its grandiose plan to march toward a "cashless economy", even if the required logistics for it in far-flung areas of the country and preparing the people, with high illiteracy and ignorance, to get used to digitalisa­tion would take an extended period of time. But Jaitley wants India to get used to the "new normal” as a result of demonetisa­tion.

(Views expressed are strictly personal.)

With the people's money locked up with the illprepare­d banking system, it could be a few months – not Modi's 'fifty days" even after demonetisa­tion has played out devastatin­gly for 20 days – before one could go to a bank for cash with some confidence

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Representa­tional Image
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