Millennium Post

Lady Gaga’s ‘Inspiring’ OPEN LETTER ON PTSD


LOS ANGELES: Pop star Lady Gaga has shared an open letter about her battle with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, calling it a ‘daily effort’ and describing it as a ‘chronic pain’ in her brain.

Taking to Twitter, the 30-yearold star said she wanted to share her experience about the disorder with other people so that she could help others understand what actually it is.

“I have wrestled for some time about when, how and if I should reveal my diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). After five years of searching for the answers to my chronic pain and the change I have felt in my brain, I am finally well enough to tell you.

“There is a lot of shame attached to mental illness, but it’s important that you know that there is hope and a chance for recovery. It is a daily effort for me, even during this album cycle, to regulate my nervous system so that I don’t panic over circumstan­ces that to many would seem like normal life situations,” she wrote. The singer revealed that she is still on medication­s but the thing which helped her heal the most is the “positivity”. “I am doing various modalities of psychother­apy and am on medicine prescribed by my psychiatri­st. However, I believe that the most inexpensiv­e and perhaps the best medicine in the world is words. Kind words... Positive words... Words that help people who feel ashamed of an invisible illness to overcome their shame and feel free. “This is how I and we can begin to heal. I am starting today, because secrets keep you sick. And I don’t want to keep this secret anymore,” the ‘Poker Face’ singer said.

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