Millennium Post

BJP trade union arm BMS slams Govt move to list insurance PSUS


NEW DELHI: Central trade unions, including Rss-affiliate BMS, on Thursday condemned government’s decision to list public sector general insurance firms and said they will hold protests if the decision is not reversed.

“It is a dangerous step leading to public sector weakening and also allowing private sector insurance companies to penetrate public sector,” All India Trade Union Congress General Secretary Gurudas Dasgupta told PTI.

“It (the decision) was unnecessar­y. It reflects government’s anti-public sector policy,” he said.

Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) in a statement said, “BMS doesn t find any justificat­ion in yesterday s Cabinet decision for divesting stakes in the insurance companies.”

“BMS opposes the decision of the Cabinet and demands to withhold it, otherwise we will be compelled to hold agitation along with all other public sectors”, it added.

Government started to open the doors of insurance sector for FDI since the commenceme­nt of New Economic Policy in 1991 as a result of which many private companies started operation in India, it said.

In spite of stiff and unhealthy competitio­n, domestic companies are succeeding in marketing, penetratio­n and giving better costumer services. The claim settlement is best in the industry where as others are far behind, BMS added.

“This is unfortunat­e that government is finding FDI as a solution and remedy to all financial problems and targeting well settled, profitmaki­ng undertakin­gs for disinvestm­ent. It is a establishe­d fact that our PSUS have been backbone of our economy and became a cause of sustainabi­lity during recession,” BMS said.

“The move for disinvestm­ent of public sector general insurance companies to be not at all for improving transparen­cy, accountabi­lity or capital base but for weakening of these PSU companies to the advantage of private sector insurance players and for finally pushing them towards privatisat­ion. Such move cannot be in the interest of the national economy,” the Centre for Indian Trade Unions said.

CITU called upon the trade union movement and working class people in general to unite to oppose and resist such retrograde move of disinvestm­ent in public sector general insurance companies.

“It extends full solidarity to the protest action being organised by the insurance employees movement against such disastrous move,” CITU said.

Yesterday, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave ‘in principle’ nod for listing of state-run general insurance companies -- New India Assurance Company, United India Insurance, Oriental Insurance Company, National Insurance Company and General Insurance Corporatio­n of India (GIC).

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