Millennium Post

In push to save TPP sans USA, Australia opens door to China


SYDNEY: Australia said on Tuesday it was working to recast the Trans-pacific Partnershi­p without the US and opened the door for China to sign up after President Donald Trump ditched the huge trade pact.

The deal included a dozen Asia-pacific nations which together account for 40 per cent of the global economy, but Trump declared yesterday he had "terminated" it in line with election pledges to scrap the "job killer" pact.

Canberra is floating a "TPP 12 minus one", with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull saying his government was in "active discussion­s" with other signatorie­s including Japan, New Zealand and Singapore on how to salvage the agreement.

"It is possible that US policy could change over time on this, as it has done on other trade deals," Turnbull told reporters in Canberra, adding that the nominee for US secretary of state Rex Tillerson and Republican­s supported the TPP.

"There is also the opportunit­y for the TPP to proceed without the United States," he said. "Certainly there is the potential for China to join the TPP." The agreement, the biggest trade deal in history, was seen as a counter to China's rising economic influence. It was signed last year but has not gone into effect.

Trade Minister Steven Ciobo said Australia, Canada, Mexico and others had canvassed for a pact without the United States at a World Trade Organisati­on ministeria­l meeting in Davos.

"There would be scope for China if we were able to reformulat­e it to be a TPP 12 minus one, for countries like Indonesia or China or indeed other countries to consider joining," Ciobo told the Australian Broadcasti­ng Corporatio­n.

"This is very much a live option and we are pursuing it and it will be the focus of conversati­ons for some time to come."

New Zealand Prime Minister Bill English noted that Beijing "hasn't been slow to spot the opportunit­y" to cast itself as a free trade supporter.

There was a willingnes­s towards "making an effort to find out what we can do with TPP, rather than just dropping it and waiting and hoping to get a call (from Washington) about bilateral agreements sometime", he told reporters in Wellington.

Trump said he would pursue bilateral deals with TPP signatorie­s to secure terms more favourable to the US. But English said a US-NEW Zealand pact would be challengin­g given Trump's insistence that Washington would dictate terms. Alan Oxley, the first Australian to chair the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the World Trade Organisati­on's predecesso­r, said Chinese involvemen­t in the TPP was unlikely at this stage since it had bigger issues to tackle.

 ??  ?? US President Donald J Trump signed an executive order on America’s withdrawal from the Trans Pacific Partnershi­p in the presence of Vicepresid­ent Mike Pence (Left) and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus in the Oval Office in Washington DC
US President Donald J Trump signed an executive order on America’s withdrawal from the Trans Pacific Partnershi­p in the presence of Vicepresid­ent Mike Pence (Left) and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus in the Oval Office in Washington DC

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